Please Pray

My cousin Cana was born with Cystic Fibrosis. She is 33 years old now which is a miracle in its self since most with this disease do not live past 12… Last night at 9pm she received a double lung transplant. The surgery went very well. This could and will give her an entirely new lease on life. Please pray with me that she will not reject the transplant and live for many more years. Thank you.


She seems to have conquered so much, I’m sure she will get through this as well. My prayers are with her.

My Cousin Cana is in recovery from her double lung transplant. The surgery went very well and she’s healing quickly. Today she wrote on a clip board and waved to my Grandpap who was standing at the window to her room. She’s recognizing voices and understanding commands. The doctors are going to sit her up tomorrow for the first time since the surgery. She’s doing so great that it’s almost amazing. She had such a desire to live. Thank you everyone for the prayers. Keep them up…it’s helping

wow! I hope the healing process continues successfully!

she is in my prayers

Wow, it seems she is doing well, I’ll keep her in my prayers…


Cana sat up last night and is breathing WITHOUT the respirator!!!


ill keep your cousin in my thoughts and prayers

my thoughts and prayers are with her

Update…If she keeps progressing the way she has been she will be released next week. I talked with her on the phone last Wednesday and she sounded completely different. No more coughing and wheezing. It’s truely a miracle. Thank you everyone who thought/prayed for her…

That is great news :smiley:

yeah it is!