Back from california... with ink. Pics inside.

not feeling the tat, the art work looks pretty good though. But its your arm so as long as you like it.

haha, it’s so manly. I always say it to make fun of tribal or barbed wire tattoos.

sick tat brah!

then i smash a beercan on my forehead and let the flannel carhart i’m wearing soak it up.

Like that tatt very good work. You’ve jsut made me decide that i want the H5, i have been looking at that and the comparable canon but i already have memory sticks so easy decision there. Hows the night mode?

And does that sea anenome have a vagina? or a cat fetus in its “mouth”

as far as point and shoot cameras i love it. I’m not knowledgeable enough to use an SLR. I haven’t used night mode at all.

most awesome tat evAr

lol now i laugh

this might just be my opinion but the robot petting the cat is a sublte yet outstanding part of the art…regardless tatoo is fuckin nice wish i had a tattoo artist for a friend so i could get some new ink

i wanted something semi-humorous and subtle. It really helps get the correct “feel” of the tattoo.

i like the ink.

but, your a mechanical engineer…
so you are partly responsible for the worlds demise then :smiley:


Nice tattoo. At least you didn’t get anything tribal w/ chinese character.

i like the idea of the tattoo. the line work, shading and quality however… is apprenticeship quality. Why would you let an apprentice touch your arm?

eh. i disagree, i’d have to say i’ve seen alot of shop tattoos that are far inferior. It’s no corey cudney, but i am happy with it.

cool cool…

11 hrs is a LONG ASS time to deliver/take a tattoo… this was in 1 sitting? better than yoji’s butterflys

Eh, it’s ok!

Wait…Now thats a Motherfukin Robot tattoo!

yes. one sitting. he came over at 10:30 and started sketching, then made stencils. started tattooing at 330 pm and finished just shy of 230. there was probably 30 minutes of breaks though. But, shit. by the time it was done my arm was DEAD.

things i won’t have tattooed on me ever:

a scantily clad woman or pinup girl.
bitches ain’t shit.

What if a Apprentice did it?

what if i know for a fact that they didn’t?
i like it.
it’s done, no sense arguing about it.

no i think he means if an apprentice did it, would you newman…get color or a pin up? :mamoru: