Back from california... with ink. Pics inside.

New tattoo. 11 hours straight. I’m not crying, lol.

I was visiting 91HFRex in california with originalsin. The highlight of my trip was spending new years eve as one of 4 white people at a HUGE houseparty. I was in all my hip-hop glory.

nice pics…

tattoo looks awesome

looks like a nice trip, when u moving.

imo the tattoo is stupid.

nice pics, except u need to have less metrosexuals standing around in them…


tattoo session was nuts, i never thought it was going to end lol. good times, new years definitely ruled. oh and don’t forget, e-40 next month :wink:

i’m sure a lot of people won’t like it. I do. That’s all that matters.

I only brought my camera for 4 of the days i was there. Originalsin has a lot more random ones.

But i really like my new DSC-H5

Damnit when you quote him I actually have to read what the douche types

that tat is sick bro, awesome pix too… can u tell me more about what the tat means to you, i have a general idea but just wanna know ur take since u have it

kyle i wanna visit! yay i want a tattoo tooo

Those rocks don’t look very friendly.

Yeah, I fucking love CA


aside from the “i think it’s cool” aspect, it’s a testament to our lives and privacy slipping away to mechanization and automation…

it really means “i love my white T!”

I liike the tattoo. Looks good, different.
Looks like you guys had a great time. :tup:

Who came up with the original art?

I like that tat! Much better than a Play Station controler… lol.

The tattoo artist. He was just getting started, friend of a friend. He is under 20 tattoos, currently. Normally, i would NEVER do this, but i saw some of his other work, and it was very good. He did it for free. I tipped him 100.

This is the email i sent him after i met him.

Alright, i’ll do my best to explain this. First off, try to ignore how terrible i am at art. This sketch is about the limit of my artistic ability:

As you can see, it’ a kid sitting on a couch watching an old TV on a shitty old TV cart. It has 2 swivel castors and 2 larger fixed wheels, as shown. The kid on the couch is wearing older style headphones:

They are connected to the tv with a spiral cord. The boy has a shocked look on his face. Perhaps he has just recieved news of a robot invasion? Whatever the cause, the news has frightened him, causing him to allow the remote control to slip from his grasp.

There is also an armchair in the room. These images compose the foreground.

The background of the tatoo wraps around the upper arm and shoulder. It consists of the robots menacingly approaching the boy from behind. One robot will have his etire body visible, he will be visible between the couch and chair. The others may be partially obscured by the couch or chair. A long legged robot will be almost stepping over the back of the armchair. All of the robots need to appear to still be behind the boy’s peripherals. He is unaware of their existence. Perhaps one of the robots will be starting to climb over the couch, an instant before the boy notices.

Here are some ideas for the robots:

The long legged guy steping over the chair’s back

One of the main robots:

Style of a few of the other robots:

I guess i kind of imagine them being close enough to wrap around my upper arm without there really being a ton of space. If you have any cool ideas or have some flair that you’d like to add, i’d love to check them out. Let me know what you come up with. Thanks!!!

oh yeah:

That is pretty cool.

looks good. :tup:

lol y is that so funny