Back on the street!!

Finally got my fuel pump fixed and back in. It was sooo nice to drive it yesterday and not have it choke and buck.

Ah well, at least in the down time I was able to clean up and repaint some parts in my engine bay, aloing with polishing my intake manifold. That killed at least 2 nights of waiting for me. :slight_smile:

After my new brake set up goes on friday the wheels are going back on baby!

Looks wicked man, must’ve spent hours detailing that engine bay! lol
So when you going to come cruising with us?

Whenever you want now. :slight_smile:

Like I said, the new brakes are going on tomorrow. Right now I have no front bumper on the car because I’m getting it repainted. But that won’t stop me from driving it. haha :slight_smile:

Right now I have no front bumper on the car because I’m getting it repainted

Hell, that’s JDM yo! :smiley:

Uhh…at least I have the fastest Spec V in…Alber, no … Edm, no… eerm, my neighborhood? :smiley:

No really…really nice car. Can’t wait to get a PTI setup of my own, unless the supercharger development works out.

Yeah I’ll believe that SC stuff when I see it.

As for a turbo. Jamie from PTI i scoming to Calgary at some point in the next month or so. Might be a good time to get in on a deal with him or at least ask him some questions in person, and take a look at my kit as well.

Only problem with that is, even if I was in Calgary or intending to come down the Calgary, the fundage for the Turbo won’t really show up until next year - so I don’t want to take up too much of his time yet. :smiley:

Besides, I have to save up for tires if I’m going to have a snail under the hood - it sounds like 1st gear might as well be marked “B” for burnout. :smiley:

So should 2nd gear. 8) :smiley:


Ouch…but you’ll have to love when you start putting bus lengths on unsuspecting mustang GT owners… :smiley:

Yeah I have to get it retuned again now that I have the technical problems out of the way. Then the mustang guys will get a surprise. haha. Man it’s actually ridiculous thouhg… people just seem to mash the pedal everytime they get close to me… doesn’t seem to matter what they’re driving.

Boost Infested - you know where there is a good dyno tuner in Calgary. I need someone whos a pro with the SAFCII.

I like nothing more than a CLEAN engine bay…and the little T strapped on! Looks great!!!

Hey Silverboost…you got any idea when Jamie from PTI is coming down?

I’ve had this crazy itch for the last two days, and the only available ointment is BOOST BABY BOOST. :smiley:

Now, I won’t be able to come down to Calgary to see him in person, but I was wondering what his prices are like in Canadian, since he only posts USD on his website. I don’t want to waste his time if it’s a straight conversion on the exchange. After all, I’m not tall enough to be a baller - so teh terbo is de expensive to me. Nice to know that NO ONE on the Vboard is complaining about him or his stuff though.

Anyway, I’ll end this drunken rambling post now. :E