Bought myself a lil 97 Ford Ranger to bomb to and from work in, and gonna be returboing the Spec V! So happy. Hoping to have it in the end of this month. Prob start tossing it all back on next weekend. Dunno why I posted this… But eh.
congrats man, your specv was a beast when it was boosted!
Um becuase we hate you for it? lol man I want boost so bad…
Well after a few busy weekends of work on the car. The turbo is almost all buttoned up. Just have to deal with the gauges and get my LM-2 Working properly and I’ll be zoom zooming all over the place again! Took it for a quick rip today just to hear the turbo again and I have to say… I really did miss my turbo!
Hey Brody,
You’re such a jealous whore! Just buy a kit already! :lol: who cares if it take syou 5 years to pay it off
haha! I LOVE turbos!!! Took it for a quick burn today. Nothing too crazy as I haven’t figured my LM-2 Out well enuf to tune also it’s only at 6 psi atm where I want to be at the 8 psi mark… But 6 psi is better than 0 psi lemme tell you what. Hopefully I have everything tickity boo for the Sept Track Day! Go and burn some tires up!! Woohoo for wheelspin thru 2nd!
Your engine may mysteriously go missing during the tech inspection. :001_tt2: