
Well I really don’t have much but here’s the view out my back window of my place. I’m still learning my way around. I know where the important places are, like wal-mart, sports bar, and sam’s club.

More are to come. I want to get into storm photography after trying it the first night I was here. None of my pictures came out.

i must live near water someday :frowning:

no chics in the pool FTL!

Lucky you…is that a pond…and do you live in apartments or what???

well thanks for ruining my morning!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

looks sweet man!


I live in apts.

Yes its a pond with duck and turtles.

Sorry there aren’t any chicks at the pool, but maybe I’ll try and get some of my female roommate when she’s there.

I woke up this morning to look out and see about 10 ducks just walking around in the grass. I should’ve chased after them but I’m lazy.

looks nice…where did you move again…FL?

Looks like a nice place. Are you there for school or what?

Only a matter of time until a gator eats em :hsdance:

place looks nice man, FLA. ftw


its a be’dea, you country bumpkin :cool:

(pool in background out of focus old guys dont see that far)

I’m down in winter park near orlando.

I moved down here to get my life started I was tired of doing the same thing day in and day out. I really want to start my own photography studio, but in due time.

hey man best of luck to you man. really hope everything works out. If you ever need anything graphics or anything hit me up.

I will, my next door neighbor is going for graphic design/computer animation so I’m going to be learning pshop all over again.