Bacon in the shower?

anyone else enjoy a nice plate of bacon in the shower? i find it to be one of lifes simple pleasures.

if youre a man, and enjoy taking long showers, i highly suggest you grab a crispy bacon the next time you clean yourself up.

jay wonch tried it yesterday for the first time. hes a fan.


i do love bacon… i just hate making it…

bacon in the shower is almost as good as breakfast in bed

:lol: :lol: :lol: Parody thread to end all parody threads!

i just use a waffle as a washcloth and try not to eat the whole thing before i’m through showering :tup:


OH YES :clap: :clap: :clap:


Only with pancakes duh. Besides bacon works wonders for scrubbing prior to a pancake wipedown.

So what’s a good shower bacon?

I support this Parody thread.

Bacon in the shower fried in beer. Perfect meal

pancakes are hit or miss…

but when they hit, damn they hit hard…

Shit yeah.

Bacon wrapped sausage.

:clap: Parody thread of the year! :clap:

I don’t know a man, woman or child alive who doesn’t love them some shower bacon.


Bacon on a stick rules in my household !

FUCK yea bacon on anything is great

Bacon and Eggs??

Im goin to go enjoy some pancakes in the shower… EXTRA SYRUP


I prefer beggin strips in the morning.

dogs dont know its not bacon!

That’s what you think, the real story is they don’t care :wink:
