Badass content ITT: Definition of badass BMW 5 series/them be fighting words!!!

Sure if this is slow:

Would’ve put a serious hurting on your wack ass del sol and 3000GT…and definitely on your fairy 540i

Wow congrats dude you can take someone half your size (sorry joe). I’m just sick of this fuckhead coming in here disrespecting everybody thinking he runs shit. I really don’t care about your job and how much of a baller you are. Your saying we disrepect and have personal problems with you. Well yeah your a douschebag who can stop running your mouth.

/end rant


night time suites your car well.

Latham doesnt mean hillbilly. and you must be the worlds toughest biggest ass beater via the internet i know. :ohnoes so im just gonna “fuck off” since thats what you suggested.

would mop up any of those awesome automobiles youve listed


yea not quite sure what that means exactly. so you think your gonna fuck me up is what your saying?

I knew this was Shift’s newest ‘that guy’

so what? you’re a petty thief? scammer? what? how do you come across so much ‘scrap gold’?

just curious.

and you have the tooling to gold plate something?



BRO, if it made sense and stuff like that id prlly get it. im pretty bright:thumbup. but im not gonna sit an argue since your thug mentally wont allow you to be wrong. so have a nice day and hope your stay here is pleasant and gratifying



You didnt understand it so I thought i’d break it down for you.


This is the second time youve posted this picture, are you being humorous or do you really think thats me?

can you and your precious metal background tell me if that bling is legit?


[SIZE=3]you take stuff too far. chill out