badass ebay find: mint E21 BMW with M6 motor

my dad has been in contact with this guy for a few weeks.

the guy actually wants over $20k for it… wont ever see it.

but still, what a total baddass little car.

I’d so rock that little beast.

pretty sweet. glw20+k though…

Our dollar aint worth shit in canada anymore, hence why the dam malls are crouded as hell and I can’t get over the border in less then 3 hours! Anyway thats a hot bmw.

this is crazy, good find man.

that is pretty hott

i was expecting a v10…

thats super dope.


i was expecting a v10…


me too… what m6 is that out of?

nice but i wouldn’t even pay 10K for her


me too… what m6 is that out of?



Those Turbo Grand Prix Hood vents don’t look bad on that car…

The front looks great, but he really should’ve done something to the ass end of the car to bring it in line a little.