badass martial arts vid

thats not martial arts, its gymnastics with goofy fake toys. tell me how any of that bouncing around like an idiot would help win a fight. plus its on a reactive foam floor, just like tumbling floors, so most of that stuff would be very hard if not impossible on grass or pavement.

lets see you do that shit.

I didn’t say i could, i said it was silly. I can’t eat 50 hotdogs in one sitting, but i think thats silly also.

what if we could clone hotdogs?

man i have a black belt and i wouldn’t even want to fight those girls! PS> i loved the music… lmao

actually… it 99% of them arent “bouncing” off the floor in anyway… more so pushing off

I agree though… none of that would help in a fight, but probably improves balance like a mofo

what if we could clone hotdogs?

Impossible, first you’d have to genetically engineer an edible animal that consists of the correct elements. Something along the lines of manbearpig, but instead could consist of 50% cow, 25% pig, 20% chicken, and 5% recycled chinese newspapers for flavor. It would be called Pikenow.

Once successfully created scientist could then proceed cloning the Pikenow, once the process can be recreate and then understood 15 years later. And then after many failures, and proper genetic adjustments to the Tastyness-Genes to make it taste just like a hotdog when properly cooked.

This would then result in many new problems, mainly that with a hotdog flavored animal, why just have hotdogs. When you can have hotdog-ribs, hotdog-chops, T-dawgs, etc. The possibilities are endless, but at the same time could result in the very extinction of the hotdog we once loved, and tried to clone.

This is why it is imparative it must remain to be a special mixture of 3 seprate species, and not one mutant species that can be cloned for their tasty franks.

you can do it to trees :gotme: lol. why not animals.

:lol: @ fuzzy

Yet, deep in your heart you know it would lead directly to the extinction of bon-fires. :frowning:

Unless there are marshmellows of course, now if you could clone a hot-dog, marshmellow hybrid. That would be the perfect campfire combo, or a smore-dog. :slight_smile:

Come on. The right answer was:

“hot dogs would be so plentiful, they would become our currency. 20 hot dogs would equal roughly a nickel… depend ing on the strength of the yen.”

Would most of that work in a street fight? no, probably not… but the fact is, they are completly capable of controlling their body which is enough for me to still believe they can kick a lot of asses based on shear reasoning.

Alot of that was Tae kwon do. which was originated in Korea. The high kicks are meant to knock peple off horses. It is also a very hilly terrain, so being able to jump up and kick your enemy in the face when he is already higher than you is a good thing.

Actually it looks a lot like Wushu Kung Fu. Wushu is basicly running around like that. I don’t think they even spar.

i respect that they are capabe of doing that kinda thing…

but i’d rather watch any kind of contact fighting

also JEG i think you only choose that video to post because of the hick music

very cool

whatever dude! EVERYBODY knows that hotdogs live freely in the wild. if i ate meat, i’d only eat organic, free-range, hot dogs.

< Hick 4 L and proud of it.