Badass s13

yes. that is true.


yup whole new car.

Richard Tang is his name, i think, and tha S13.5 is GHEY!!!

this was his old car, and a much better one i think:


u guys seriously like that thing?

it looks like someone overdosed on peptobismal and puked all over it, inside and out.

the car would look a million times better painted one solid color (preferably something a little masculin, although i never hated on animiya or yoshio factory) w/all the stickers removed and put into a book.

the red s13 that was posted look tastefully done, although a strawberry face on a s13 is freakin sexy!!!

just my opinion

no BOV??? or am i just missing it?

I don’t see one…

I hate the colour of the new s13 at the beginning, i mean you did everything right, why fuck up the colour?

yeah it looks alright and i LIKE the PINK


but it could also be a girl thing :smiley:

hmmm red one is pretty dope too!
