Badass VW commercial get complaints

People are fucking sissys. This commercial is fucking great.

Nice info.

Cool commercials, and too many pussy parents that will keep their kids inside and not allow them to do anything/expose them to anything which will lead to our next school shooter.

that commercial was pretty good.

Very good commercial :rofl

Anyone who took the time to file a formal complaint should reevaluate how useless their life is.


!!! x2 :open_mouth:

So what is offensive about that?

awesome commercial

so stuff like this isn’t supposed to be aired before 9? Maybe they are gonna start complaining about movie trailers that are too scary and/or violent too

It’s not that it’s offensive, parents are worried aout kids repeating behavior like that

wow…wtf is wrong with ppl these days

we now live in a nation of pussies?

cool commercial.

we have a black pres taking over in a few days, they better toughen up…oh wait, he’s trying to take away our rifles :frowning:

My girlfriend seems to think that’s going to be on the bottom of his list of thigs to do. She says don’t worry about it

oh i hope so…i’ll be pissed if i cant get an ar15 in teh summer when i’ll have the money for it lol

++111111 great commercial
