Ball Python w terrarium

Selling our ball python before we move next week, hoping to find a good home , its a female aprox 3 feet long, we have had her about 4 years now…she eats frozen mice , very docile snake w no aggressive tendencies

included is a nice size terrarium that was $89.99, terrarium is aprox 1yr old and in excellent condition

asking $75 for the snake and all her accessories

$50 need to find a home for her

open to any and all offers

OMG. I want! This sounds silly but let me ask my mom if I can have a snake in her house, LOL, she already hates my cat and dog… ill get back to You.

lmk, we’re leavin ny next weds, if no one wants her in the next few days she’s going to rare

bump, snake needs a good home asap!

Ill take it!!!

the snake found a new home : )