Ban Z28LT1Rocket

yah no doubt… I use to watch my brother play RE2, that game was nuts in its day. But man, in RE4 those fucking people with the chainsaws… that shit gave me chills

Haha WORD! I rememeber playin it with my buddy and the first motherfucker with a chainsaw came runnin at us i was like OHHHH FUUUUUUUUUU…RUNNN!!! :rofl

haha worddddd

Word bro!

hey get rid of me I dont give sh-t im not as stupid and immature as I seem. Pete Dave and Joey make it seem that way and when I get pissed at them they agrivate me even more and think its funny and say “you dont need to get so upset” well than please tell me how you would react everyone?! god damn!:banghead :shifty :retardclap

you cant judge stupidity or maturity level of oneself. thats something OTHER people create judgement of. personally i think all of you(names you listed) are immature, with dave being the most mature, but it comes with the age for sure. you goons are young

trust me, id LOVE to ban you, but vlad wouldnt like that

once again another thread ruined by PJB and adam

the best thing u can do is just stfu and post like a normal person, all those smilies you compile at the end of your posts are highly annoying, and if you dont think your that stupid then prove it and stop posting like so , lol

YOU and that justin with the GEO are the two stupidest posters on shift, and yes i like the way i just worded that…gramatically correct or not

and also…

this thread is like the perfect example of how shift members have major issues with staying on topic ! u go from talking about this idiot above to some other shit i forgot already to everybody listing their favorite video games LOL !

my favorite games are (that i can think of)

in order

liveforspeed S2
forza 2 (only second cuz its not for pc… boo)
GTA IV (for pc)
GTA IV (for 360, graphics suck tho)
and the rest idk, some shooter games are awesome i liked the last rainbow six games vegas and vegas 2 just awesome games, UT3 is great too…

ANY game that comes out with the RAGE engine is gonna be great, gta iv, and some new game is coming from R* some wild west looking shit, should have great physics :smiley:

How the fuck do you figure that retard?

and im the o/t king right?

And this thread matters why?

lets just get back to talking about games :smiley:

I used to play Vegas/Vegas 2 a lot, awesome games.
Left for Dead on PC is good.
FEAR/FEAR 2, I played the most.
I only play multiplayer though, never regular campaign mode, just to lame.

word yeah fears were great online ! dont play anymore tho

co op on vegas 2 was awesome

OH YEA COD, all of the cod’s were awesome the latest one was sick on CO OP i love co cop alot its really fun

Everyone itt stfu

fuck u

fuck u

writing books in threads, changing fonts, etc. it’s like watching a circus in forum post form.
