bank robber uses craigslist for a getaway

LOL that guy rox

hahahaha guy’s a genious!

awesome… gotta love the meth heads out there. monroe, wa is full of whack jobs.

And judging by your spelling, you are not! But it’s ok, it’s your birthday!! :giggedy

And that guy is really clever. Seems like something the Joker would do :mwahaha

i woulda done it if i knew i was gonna get away with it lol

Very smart idea. The inter tube thing could have been done better.But hell it worked.

ya well for a real life operation like that, im surprised more things weren’t sloppy, props to that guy for doing it right !

haha thats nutty. how much money did he take?

idk it said int he video tho

over a few hundered grand possibly ?

wow smart fuckin dude.


they catch him yet?


i don tthink so

damn, thats funny and creative. :nod

good for him if they dont… this reminds me of that movie where they plan out the bank robbery and get away with it only not as creative but still sweet haha

was it when they hid the one guy for a few days into the wall in the bank so nobody that walked out had any money and they all kept changing places with the hostages and stuff like that?

yea and they dressed everyone up the same that was in the bank and let them outside with all the robbers too except the 1 guy who hid in there so the cops couldnt figure it out. such a good movie

i think its quite possible to rob a bank. its just tough to do it consecutively. u just gotta do something creative like that dude did it

oh yea deff not impossible as you can tell from the story above lol. just a lot of planning and creative mind needed. when i went to visit a jail for my criminal justice class in hs this guy was telling us why he was in and he robbed 8 banks and he was gonna rob his last one of his “crook career” or whatever he called it but he told the wrong person about it and got busted. he was worth like 6 or 7 mill doin it too. i was just like wow thats crazy but hes payin the price now obviously since hes been in jail for 25 years and has another 20 to go