Bank Robber Waits for Police

Investigators say they arrested a man for holding up the same M&T bank branch he held up three years earlier.

Police say 27-year old Kristoffer Cook of Buffalo walked into the Fountain Plaza M&T bank branch just after 9am on June 19th and passed a note to a teller demanding money. According to investigators, the male teller laid out a stack of cash from his drawer, but Cook only took a ten dollar bill and walked away.

When investigators arrived on scene they found Cook sitting in the bank’s lobby, waiting for police.

Mondry says bank employees and investigators were busy talking to customers. “They had just gotten a report for him to fill out as to what he had seen and he indicated to one of our employees that he wasn’t a customer, he was the robber.” Mondry added that Cook told the employee he was waiting for federal authorities to show up.

He says the incident surprised everyone. Mondry says he’s never seen anything like this, but that often socio-economic troubles are a motive in a bank robbery.

Investigators say Cook held up the same branch back in July, 2004. At that time family members convinced Cook to turn himself in. He served two years in a federal lockup and was released last September.


wtf? He robbed a bank 3 years ago, got out, and did it again for 10 bucks? He must have liked the butt sechs and couldn’t admit it

guess he likes prison

id guess he couldnt afford to live outside of prison or something? why else would you do that? jail provides shelter health care food money work and butt sex

you also get paid :slight_smile: my dad said when he got out they gave him a check for like 200 bucks.

lol yeah ive heard. i said money in there haha.

sucks that your dad was in jail though :frowning:

No it doesn’t. lol hes an asshole. Every time i talk to him, i try and get a butt sex story out of him so i can mock him the rest of his life. So far no good.


id guess he couldnt afford to live outside of prison or something? why else would you do that?


my neighbor down the street loves jail.

he did 2 laps of the block at WOT in his (?) 4.6l mustang and then waited at the house for the cops to come

he wasnt even out of the clink for 2 full days yet !

lol wow what a creeper

i work in the building, it hought it was great. finishing up my 2 weeks notice for a new job, people that i work with thought i finally flipped a day short and did it!1


id guess he couldnt afford to live outside of prison or something? why else would you do that? jail provides shelter health care food money work and butt sex


dot. ive heard of this happening several other times. homeless people will do it just to get off the streets.

yeah thats exactly what i was basing my assumption on.

I hope he gets help

what a douche

they should send him to a psych ward…chain him to a bed for months…then see if he fucks off agian.

i had a full on school debate on this subject in highschool, Incarceration VS Death Penalty. im more formidable to kill all people with life sentences or those 30 with 60 years in prison, 40 with 50 years in prison and so on accordingly with the current life expectancy, it would save MILLIONS in taxpayers money. each inmate costs 35k a year to feed, shelter etc etc. the prison system is shit. one of my arguing points was those who do shit just for an easy sheltered and fed living. if im poor and homeless i can MURDER a decent human being, plead insanity 99% probably because im “HOMELESS” and “lost in the world” and get sent to prison for life at most with all this shit shit? bleck.


Kristoffer? Is that Myke’s brother?