Barak Hussein Obama - Truths

McCain at my school:

[ame=“”]YouTube - McCain Fumbles…doh![/ame]

lol that was awesome

Yeah, Obama was part of the weatherman org when was 8…good one…don’t hate on faux news personally showing how mccain is being supported…it shows the correct strings that are being pulled :wink:

Pittspeed politics are fucking retarded.

fuck obama… technically he’s a majority white dude tryin to be black. that makes him a wigger. seriously thou is it me or does he look blacker everytime he’s on tv?

The difference between voters for these guys is amazing…

A McCain (or anyone but Obama) supporter can provide evidence of these radical groups that Obama has been known to associate with and his questionable agendas…

An Obama supporter posts up videos like Barackrolled, and McCain voiceover dubs…

not he himself… he’s close friend and ‘mentor’ bill ayers :doh:

anyway… some people feel as though he doesn’t even qualify to be president: :hsugh:

You must have missed the 3rd debate where Obama identified his relationship with Bill Ayers, just because some ‘journalist/radio host’ says he’s a mentor doesn’t make it fact. You guys are just grasping at straws.

lol… i’m clearly sick of arguing online, we can talk in person!

one controversy is that Obama wrote his book with the help of ayers as a ‘ghost-writer’… they have been around together and did sit on the same board… to which Obama tried to downplay in the debate…

“There was a total lack of accountability” at Obama and Ayers’ Chicago Annenberg Challenge, former city school superintendent Paul Vallas has told The Post. Indeed, “If you went back and asked, you’d be hard-pressed to find out how the money was spent.”

Ayers is a piece of shit unamerican douchebag ass… even being on the same board as him is something i wouldn’t want publicly known. what the dude did in the 70’s and 80’s is bad enough, the books he writes now and is trying to jam into the public school system is also a real shame.

that ‘cert’ isn’t real… would he be going to the supreme court to produce a real birth certificate if it was??? lol i mean they had things like hospital name, doctors signature… baby feet prints…!!! things they didn’t have were laser printers that that fonttype on bar/plate style typewriters. maybe that’s a copy or something… but that should just be made publicly known so simply put the issue to rest…?

…speaking of…

Man, that’s a bummer. I guess I’ll vote for McCain now.


I hate yinz for your freedom.

So does “Barry” Obama, since he wants to redefine the Constitution that would limit his power, silence his critics, allow abortions become as common as a band aid (and sadly 70-80% of the abortions are done by blacks), and heavy restrict gun ownership! His ties to radical assholes are not just someone that he ran into and he sought them out so he would not look to be “selling out”. His father was a even more wacko than his son about taxing and proposed raising taxes to 100% in his own nation. This guy could not get a job with the government just over his buddies. He and idiot VP been bringing up ANCIENT failed liberal “holy” grails like additional bill of rights, unionizing the entire nation, raising taxes back to the crushing Carter era, and other socialist programs. If he allows the Tax Decreases that Bush signed into law, than everyone will have an instant tax rate hike! He will make some lame excuse that your puke asses aren’t paying enough and raise the rates further ala Billy Clinton. Our economy will tank and jobless rates will jump to double digit rates. Government does not create wealth, just steals it from it’s rightful owners. We need to reduce the size of our federal government by 60% and cut the benefits/wages from our Congressmen to force them to actual work for a living outside of the government.

i’d like thebaron to cite his sources.

obama’s tax plan is easier on everybody than nixon’s was.

that fellow traveller, comrade nixon.


Obamas ‘tax plan’ gives $500 checks to people who do not pay any income tax. That isn’t a tax plan. That’s welfare.

Or economic stimulus…

And calling something “welfare” doesn’t automatically make it a negative in my book. Public education is welfare.

Sounds like you should have voted for Ron Paul. But I love how you say if liberals take over that the economy will fail. I haven’t checked lately, but how is the economy doing after 8 years of GOP rule?

Liberals spend less liberally than so-called conservatives. Real conservatives are starting to endorse Obama… Which is fucking hilarious.