Barrel Fever: NC State student arrested for creating Barrel Monster

A student at North Carolina State University has been arrested and charged with larceny for swiping some of those bright orange construction barrels from the road and creating what has been dubbed the “Barrel Monster”. Joseph Carnevale, who also went by the handle “U Live and You Burn” before he was caught and his real name revealed, has made barrel art before (see gallery below), but none were so brash, or so big, as the Barrel Monster. Aside from being an artist, Carnevale also does graffiti and is an “Urban Explorer”, which basically means he trespasses in all those cool places that citizens aren’t supposed to go like construction sites, sewer drains and abandoned buildings.

He has also chronicled his exploits on a blog at where he is currently soliciting compassionate parties to write on his behalf to the prosecutor. Let’s hope the DA doesn’t browse his blog, as it’s filled with evidence of trespassing, vandalism and the like. Though some public property was damaged in the case of Carnevale’s Barrel Monster, we do hope they let him off light. Frankly, most highways could use a Barrel Monster.

badass. gonna go check his site out now.

cool stuff

thats awesome! lets all go sign off on his website so the charges get dropped lol

besides the barrel thing, i read through the site this guy does some reaaaally cool stuff

so good!

you people should check out banksy i think is the site… amazing graffiti artist from britan

awesomeness. just poked around on his blog, quite amazing.

kinda reminded me of this:

^ i am scared WATCHING this.

that was intense. i would never even attempt to climb one… good video man

real cool find

Pretty sick!

I wouldn’t even think of considering doing this!

that guys crazY

ExtraTerrestrials (22 hours ago) Show Hide
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                                                                          step on his fucking hands :)

^^ I LOL’d soooo hard!

Good find though

wow this guy is pretty nuts

the barrel crocodile is sick!!

and i’m not even scared of heights but i would NEVER fucking climb one of those construction cranes.

why would you arrest this guy? bake him a cake or something that shits awesome, i wouldnt slow down for that monster before a regular ass barrel