Construction monster creator Charged

Raleigh, N.C. — Raleigh police arrested a North Carolina State University student last week who was accused of creating a “monster” out of construction barrels and placing it on the side of the road.
Authorities charged Joseph Carnevale with larceny for taking materials from a construction site at a roundabout project to create the monster.

That thing is fantastic


Dumbass. I’m sure those things aren’t cheap either.

LOL they should give him an award not jail.

Edit: maybe if he had made a sign that said SLOW DOWN OR I WILL KILL YOU, they would have let him go!

It looks like it would work well :tup:

I bet people slow down…

i like it

The city lost money twice on construction equipment and probably fines as people may have actually slowed down to look at it.

Old man

thats awesome! well, minus the whole getting charged thing… lol

ahah i sent this to autoblog and they replied back that they are going to post this

they should find him guilty and make the fine $1.

fucking brilliant! looks so good, great work by this guy, shitty about the charges. wonder what he will end up getting for this.

Well, they’re about $50 each, looks like he used 5-7 of them.

It looks cool as hell, but that doesn’t mean you can go tearing up $350 worth of property.

Hit him with a fine for the cost of the stuff he damaged, some community service, done.

how did I not see this on the news?

lol I wish I saw it driving around

awesome lol…new desktop background.

first thing that I did when I saw it.

So should the $350 fine be doubled since it’s in a work zone?

Only if it was assembled too fast.