BAS not like dyno results - he disagrees with dyno

Easy buds… I wouldn’t be dropping the “real friend that is” line if I were you.

Second of all, if someone isn’t allowed to ask questions to find faults in your work, you can’t get any constructive criticism because without additional info on the materials and the practices, they can’t comment on it’s quality.

Third, you don’t need me to stroke your ego. You’re more then capable of doing that yourself, or having 1 of the hundreds of kids on this forum that look up to you, to do it for you, Bing included.

Your right, I’m not here because I typed this address into my browser, I’m here because I was linked, and I’m here because some suggestions were made to you that you scoffed at and I wanted to see the end result.


  • ah I see so they WILL be less then 3300…

  • you would have never claimed them as SPT’s if I hadn’t said anything… omission is no defense.

um physics is pretty set in that whole expansion and contraction of gases as they heat and cool… hard to be wrong about that… as for revision… well I’ve got the article right here in Race tech, pulled it out just to 2x check it… yep i’m right… your not … again.

ohh a grammar attack… your cool.

I guess money talks, you know that very well. as for owning a 240, seems to me allot of members here don’t own a 240 here so whats your point?

yes that silly technical talk… it’s a complete waste of time, no one needs to actually KNOW what they are talking about and doing… why that would be madness… that would mean they would know your a dullard… a fake. Those air filters still giving higher turbo intake velocities there buddie ?? lol…

and common, it’s son… the least serious internetz ON the internet…

BAS has done excellent work for both Andrew, myself, and many others. I find it a little one sided on this forum when it comes to reflection of his work versus a forum sponsor, especially Sasha.

There’s nothing to say BAS couldn’t produce an equal or better product then the one Sasha has produced. I know that my room mate can certainly weld as Dan knows and I’m sure as many of Sasha’s customers know because it was my roommate that did the welding for some of their cars.

My point is, if BAS had the backing of an entire forum, and some financial backing for external sources, and the support of the forum administration, there is no doubt in my mind that he could produce it.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

You start on Sasha I see!!!

Sarsha keep doing what you are doing!! You are doing a good job with your FABING and your racing. BAS is just jealous.

oops that’s it! you found me out. I just mentioned his flawed physics and completely flawed design by happenstance…



If you fabricated a product and posted it up here, I would never come in your thread to support a slandering fuck like BAS, and start questioning your shit. I’ll relax when you can realize thats what you’re doing, and it is rude and immature.

BAS just makes me laugh, but what you did, and what you’ve done in the past (remember that bracket I made for my intercooler hotpipe back in 2007 - the one you said was going to break, FOR SURE, the one that never broke?) really gets under my skin. Please be more sensitive to the questions you ask, and when and where you ask them.

It is possible that BAS could see success if all of the stars aligned just right, but the reason no one likes him, and no one supports him, quite simply, is because he is a shit disturbing moron that can’t type, has no social skills or marketing skills or salesmanship skills, it takes more than just knowing a little bit about things to be sucessful. But really, if you’re seen his Supra you’d know hes a total and utter joke and quite frankly Bob I have no idea why you support this guy, but whatever. There is a reason NO ONE likes him.

If anyone is curious, or concerned that BAS is correct, here is the information proving that BAS is indeed, wrong as usual.

A) We want the gas to expand as it slows so it does not build excessive pressure in the tube. The idea is not to match the tube size with the temperature of the gas, the idea is to keep velocity high as it leaves the ports, and then step it up to relieve backpressure. Well I could be wrong with my reasoning for it, I am not a fluid engineer, but I know it works, it obviously works, coast fabs had one step in them, are you saying coast fab are idiots? Ours have 2 steps, and make 13whp more. Larger collectors that would normally kill low end torque, doesn’t - because the primary was small enough for long enough to keep velocity up, without becoming restrictive at high RPM. Argue with it all you want, throw every magazine and text book you want at it, I have the dyno sheet and reality trumps theory each and everytime my friend.

B) I don’t even know which side of the fence BAS is on here since his typing is so horrible, but you want the head to be smaller than the exhaust port, which is what we have done. To prevent the pulses from flowing back into the head. I’m not sure if BAS’ argument was agreeing with us, it sure sounds like it. What a guy.

BullShit!!! I have no backing and money, and the first FUCKING post he made in my thread was this He is an ass end off story.

Sasha, you do great work, keep it up, don’t let the negative experiences of others being thrown at you affect you.

…wow… in regards to point a) two words and seriously try to understand this…

Bernoulli’s principal… look it up, they try to restate that same comment above with a straight face…

cliff notes: for those that don’t understand; increasing the volume of a tube will SLOW down the flow and increase pressure, ( hint ; that increase will block the flow coming in behind it… ), as hot gasses cool, they shrink, so the requirement for a larger chamber is counter productive to continued flow velocities.

This is not shite I make up here, this is actual physics, you’d understand this if you had listened to Andrew instead of acting like a little baby and going into a tantrum, like now…

Support? I asked you a question. Yeah it was directed at your part, but it was unrelated to anything BAS was talking about previously. So chill out. Rudeness and immaturity have nothing to do with me asking a simple practice related question, it’s you that’s becoming emotional over it.

I dont remember the bracket issue back in 2007. I’m sure that if I said it would likely break, there is good reason as to why I said it. The fact that it didn’t break is no more proof of me being wrong, then of your being right. It just means that it held (like your silicone charge pipe couplers that year I pitted for you, they held sometimes and blew off the other %50 of the time). More sensitive? I asked “Sasha did you use filler rod for your welds”… Where is the rash, and blatant attack?

I support BAS’s work because he did a hell of a job on my exhaust. He did everything he said he would do and then some. Then he gaurunteed the work for life. Maybe the constant bashing of 3 or 4 years ago from yourself and Bing alike created the hate that’s generated towards BAS?

Hell I fought with BAS the first time he posted but I handled it with more civility then the rest I suppose.

You’re the one getting worked up…

We’re talking about something completely different amigo…

Apparently there are some new members to the world of motorsports in this thread. If you have never seen an increasing diameter stepped header before, try getting out once and a while, or even understanding the facts.

for more proven success, check this link out… its from a pretty well known series called Formula 1… they have had similar success with what is commonly known as a stepped header.

As for the rest of the useless comments, be gentle on yourselves! Until you can produce something with equal or better proven results. I don’t think many people care of your capabilities with an unlimited budget. And if you happen to make more power with a decreasing diameter stepped header ONE day… please share it with the Formula 1 Engineers, I’m sure they will be interested.

Now Mackey is in this thread… Cam… BAS is aware as to what a stepped header is… it’s just getting lost in translation…

hahaha awesome

shut the fuck up!!

speaking of bracket issue:

Ian designed and fabricated this engine-stay for Derek (DIP). It broke. Not because it was a bad idea, but solely because Ian sucks at life.

Bob and Ian will now cite products of mine i sold but that i neither designed nor fabricated that may have broke and position them against me… ok go

And here we go…

hahahaha the title of this thread is epic

There’s no point in arguing your parts, because you just take the stance your didn’t build it you just sell it, and it’s been argued hundreds of times before.

What I do want to say is that Ian has done some excellent work for me. Great welding, good attention to detail, and he works fast.

If you want to go ahead and give him shit for some mistakes he’s made in the past, without alternately offering some of the good work he’s done, that’s hardly fair.

It also insinuates you and Sasha have never made an error or a mistake, which we both know is not even close to the truth.

Then again there is more then a few people on this board that assume you were both born perfect. Whereas people who were around before both of you know different, people like me.

I think BAS will probably post up some of his recent work later on, I mean at least to lean against the mistakes he’s made in the past, just like everyone on this forum has encountered at one point or another.

You guys need to start having an open mind. Criticism, regardless who its coming from, still should be considered, and not completely ignored because it’s coming from someone you don’t particularily like.

If you have your stuff in order, respond or answer the criticism, and then continue on. If you’re in the wrong, thank the person for their help, make a mental note, and swallow the pride for 2 minutes.

It’s the pride on this board that keeps fueling the wars. No one is ever wrong on SON. I guess some things never change.

No bob, I take constructive critisism really well. I don’t take it well from douchebags like BAS, look at his post in draggones thread. Just blatent being an asshole because he’s bored, he even admits it.

For you to try and come put reason and decency in BAS’s mouth is like trying to make a cheap hooker look classy.

If you were concerned about me using filler rod you could have messeged me on MSN, emailed me, PM’d me or even messeged me on facebook. Bob you know I didn’t build these headers out of the blue, I’ve had a shit ton of input and advice from a lot of industry professionals, I took their advice and learnt as much as I could. I am not one that has an ego too big to be able to listen and learn, as you know i’m always reading books and trying to learn more.

The root of the issue I have is one that you cannot accept or acknolwedge to be true, so I’m goign to stop arguing with you since i’m talking to a brick wall that can’t seem to grasp the concept of common decency.

As for BAS, hes not even worth his weight in dog shit, but I agree with bing, his posts are really funny to read.

I’ll also recommend changing the title to something along the lines of The General Fabrication Debate…