Basement drain tile project, give me your opinion

I completely gutted my basement to remodel and repair.
I want to have the drain tile done and a new sump pump
I have got a couple quotes but all the prices are very similar.
I’m having having a hard time deciding who to choose.
Basement specs…145 linear feet, 6 walls, 1100sq/ft

please give me you input

Has anyone had this done?
Who did you use?
Positive/Negative reviews?
ball part price per foot?
companys to avoid completely?

thanks for your help.

Ill post pix up of everything soon

My house was done by Franks and it is bone dry. I bought it after it was done so I have no other feedback.

Also make sure that the foundation is inspected for cracking/movement before excavating anything. You don’t want it collapsing during the process.

I’ve done this myself…twice. Outside of being one hell of a workout its pretty straightforward if you have any interest in doing it yourself…

Call Paul for a free quote. I am good friends with his son and they do great work. and he knows his stuff. Seems like 9/10 times, it comes down to Frank’s and PJK. Free estimates are great considering they give you an idea on the proper way to do it.

+1 more on Franks. Didn’t have draintile done but had them repair 4 cracks and they did great work. I get a call every 6 months to a year from my salesman making sure I’m still happy with it even.