Bass Pro is a go

Every time money circulates within an economy it loses value. Getting Buffalonians to go to and spend money at Bass Pro does damage, not good. The only way this can be good for the city is if it were to bring people and money from outside of the greater Buffalo area to Buffalo. An outdoors sporting goods store, even a big one, will not do that. This is a retarded way to spend $25 million dollars that we don’t have.

An Indian casino would be worse, not only will it circulate money within the Buffalo economy, it will remove it and put it in the hands of a few wealthy Indians. Nobody will come to that from the outside. Where would a tourist go? A Casino in a run down city or a Casino 20 minutes away near one of the 7 wonders of the world and a developed tourst area over the border?

Cliffs: Bass Pro and a downtown Casino will both only hurt Buffalo’s struggling economy.