Artvoice: The Waterfront

Caught this article the other day…thought it’s worth sharing.

Living in Buffalo for the past 6 years I still don’t have a full grasp of the shitstorm that is the Waterfront Development…about all I know is that it’s a mess and I yearn for the days of a lively waterfront. Curious to hear what those who may be more invested into the history of this have to say about the Larry Quinn interview.

Quinn is a douche…making it seem like it’s all the News’ fault for shining light on the nasty details underneath the former bass pro deal.
My opinion of this depends on whether HSBC signs on. If I’m going to be working down there I want something decent, with a few places to get a sandwich after 5 without getting shot. If we go to Amherst I’ll never be in the city anyway so who cares.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care what happens in the city. This project has the potential to ignite a drastic change downtown. Whether you work downtown or not, it’s good for everyone. You may find yourself going there instead of chippewa to bang volleyball players.

It won’t happen. Too many people with conflicting personal interests are involved and all that will happen is continually chest-thumping and bickering.

I think Quinn made it very clear he’s tired of all the obstruction that goes on in Buffalo. And he’s right, the project has to have an anchor like Bass Pro or during those 7 months of the year it’s not nice outside nothing will survive down there.

Realistically I question whether I’ll be in WNY by the time anything gets done anyway. Plus, between fggt parking “cops”, red light cameras coming soon, and just the people in general, I find myself hanging out in the city less and less on my personal time. If they make something of this that doesn’t suck I’d be happy to give it a shot, but color me skeptical.

I wish people could just work together for the common good for once… disheartening.

I read this interview the other day it was a good one.

Personally even if the public views them as some closed club of powerbrokers, who cares. Sometimes it takes people like that to get shit done. And I understand the point of the public that it should encompass much of the history etc. However NO ONE has been able to do anything down there and with exception to the recent canal renovations the entire are looks and smells like shit/cherrios. So if SOMEONE has some money to inject in a dying area why do we fight it time and time again? Other than the obvious greed.

This…to many people with their hands in the pot = nothing gets done. There really is no reason now to go downtown, other than the occasional ball game and sabres games. You can argue either way about anything that goes down there. Someone just needs to build whatever and deal with it.

If they’re going to do a store for an anchor tenant I really would like to see an Ikea. With all of the college students and renters around here, cheap relatively durable furniture would be a big hit, and its a better alternative to Target and Wal Mart. I would think outside interest would be at least as much as Bass Pro.

YES BUFFALO NEEDS AN IKEA! Would fit in with all the cheap bastards in this area. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree…Stick an Ikea anywhere an it’ll be a gold mine.

Ikea on the waterfront? what’s the point? It’s a big blue warehouse.

I don’t think dedicating the waterfront to Ikea was the idea. Maybe a large shopping center WITH Ikea? Either way can we get a fucking Ikea?

You won’t you’ll be long dead and rotted away by then.

I agree with the thought that “people should work together”, but with the corruption in WNY I don’t know if that will ever happen.

The Aud site, where BassPro would have gone and where I think Ikea should go, isn’t on the waterfront. Close enough to get people in and have whatever is on the waterfront sell them. Regardless, when there’s 40MPH winds down here in the winter with brutal wind chills you need something that isn’t outdoor related to bring in crowds.

+15165465 for IKEA. That would be awesome.

About 4-5 years ago, Ikea of America said the Buffalo market is too small for a store. I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

This is true, however I suspect this could change if they started giving them the Bass Pro treatment

Does everyone realize there is an Ikea less than one hour from Buffalo???

Buying big items over the border is more of a PITA than it’s worth.