Battle Endless - Shannonville FULL Track - Saturday, Oct. 15

Payment Also Made! See you there Gents! :lol:

I’ll be these in my Teggy.

Try and keep up :lol:

I realy wish i could come but i could not get my brakes on in time…im just too damn busy.

Take lots of pictures and vids for me! I’ll be there in spirit.

maaaaaaaaaaaan, was that ever fuuuun!!!


Try showing up on time :stuck_out_tongue: it would have been more fun! hahaha.

(I was the guy who greeted u when u arrived)

haha, i know i know.

thanks for getting me on the track so fast when i got there though.

that was a crazy day… I dunno who was there but, i was riding around in the crazy silver Z3… Oh my so fun…

wow great day!!! broke in the new kaaz diff and was quite pleased to say the least!! look out 2006!! (blue s13)


Saw you do quite a few nice drifts there.

That Grey Z3 was insanely fast and loud…

It’s Tom’s Toy after all :wink:

Anyways thanks to all who came out this season and hope to see some more 240’s out next year!

To keep track of future events please visit

And I’ll be lurking the boards from time to time… still looking to get my hands on an S14 :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone get any pix? i wanna see.

Logan, I’ll be getting my hands on some video I think. I’ll send it your way when I do.

giddy up.

pics are posted on the website… it the “gallery” and look for pics from Oct 15 there are 3 galleries.

you didn’t get any of me!!!

i guess that’s what I get for showing up 2 1/2 hours late. :?

Isn’t this you walter :stuck_out_tongue:

hehehehe, walter u look like u got a weiner up ur tushy. :lol:

HAHAHA! im crying a little bit from that one.

what can i say, phil got bored and his hands started to wander. :wink:

Ramesh, where the ef did you find that pic?!

HAHAHA! im crying a little bit from that one.

what can i say, phil got bored and his hands started to wander. :wink:

Ramesh, where the ef did you find that pic?![/quote]

Lol. Thats the only pic of you.

Third column, last row.