Battle Endless - Shannonville FULL Track - Saturday, Oct. 15

End of season full track BE event

Date: Saturday, Oct 15/2005
Time: 200pm-500pm
Location: Shannonville Motorpark - Full track
Prepay: $75
At the Track: $100

We’re limiting the track day to around 35 cars. Pls email for prepaid to reserve your spot asap and We don’t accept anymore participants when all spots are filled.

P.S. Helmet is fully recommanded for safety reasons. For those who do not follow this rule, the individual takes full responsbility for their action.

All prepaid must be in no later than Friday, Oct 07.


anyone going to this yet?? sounds fun…

jover you up for it or no?

Battle Endless Events are Insane!!!

If I can make it out I will…

this is drifting or what?


but if there are no cars around you in corners, you can drift if you feel like it.

Im fence sitting…i want to go, but i have like 10% brake pads left, and dont want to waste money before storing the car in a month, then having to switch to z32 over winter.


anyone want to lend me non abs pads?

haha. im in the exact same situtation, except i prolly have less than %10

I would go but I sold my tires.

all I have are hercules all seasons with like 20% tread in the rear lol

will someone rent me out some wheels with decent rubber?? (JANTOS)

I’ll get you pads Cal dont worry, i just wanna see your car on the track. :lol:

sweet, I’ll talk to you this weekend man.


Full track for 75 bucks!

I dont want to be the only 240 there.

I’ll think about coming out for that, my suspention sucks but I wouldn’t mind ripping up a couple laps. What sort of safety/training do you need?

I might come out if I can fix a few “issues” with my car that I’m dealing with this weekend.

ill come if i can get tires and alignment in time

I’m Planning on coming!


Yeah, I just emailed them today to see if they have any spots left. If so, I’m in.

Payment made. See you guys there.

I’ll be there… not in my 240 unfortunatly

I’m hoping to be there, but I haven’t gotten a response to my email yet.

I’ll see how the money situation is after the long weekend…it sucks not having a job.

but most likely i will come out and pay the 100…my loss for being slow.

Looks like I might have to do the same since they haven’t gotten back to me…

Do you know if there will still be space at the track?

ill be up to watch forsure… See ya guys there…