Battle of the bands 3/2

My band. I have tickets available. Come out and suppoert a good hard rock/metal band. I’m gonna call up the guys from sixpin, stemm and maybe senses fail to come chill with us as well.

i highly doubt senses fail will come hangout with you


I should go. And the fact that you mention your going to call these bands to hang out with you at battle of the bands… means it ain’t gonna happen.

If you don’t win, Dakota owns you.

eh maybe

Aw shit thats right I forgot you know everyone I know…I’ve played with them before and they are friends with my singer, as well as a promoter who happens to be a good friend of mine. So stfu. You have no idea who I know.

ahahaha maybe if your recordings didn’t suck and you had a little bit more of a following, then perhaps your story would be believable. also your music, besides the recordings isn’t so hot in the first place. “trying way too hard” comes to mind.

ahahaha maybe if your recordings didn’t suck and you had a little bit more of a following, then perhaps your story would be believable. also your music, besides the recordings isn’t so hot in the first place. “trying way too hard” comes to mind.

Yes our recording on our myspace sucks because it was recorded at the singers house on a mic hooked up to his computer. The only reason we have those songs on there are because they are better than nothing at all. the vocals didnt pick up for shit, the mic is way too sensative and we had to do alot of muffling for it to not sound super distorted. Untill you have heard us play and really know what we sound like, dont insult my band. It is a TON of work writing origional songs. Every show we have ever played we have had an amazing response from the audience, many times of which they said we were the best band playing. If you dont like us, then dont come. If you want to be suprised and hear a local band that is new, but has a very good sound to it…come check us out. I garuntee most of you will like at least some if not all of our material. We bring a very high energy level to our shows and everyone always has a great time.

Also…do you even play anything? nd just because we are new doesnt mean we dont have hookups. You would be surprised who we know.

haha, don’t brag about writing original material if it doesn’t sound different from anything else out there. and if the songs on your myspace are any representation of what your shows will sound like, you’ll never find me at one. and yes, I play drums, and I’ve played in a few bands, and have song writing experience even though I don’t play a “melodic” instrument, i still get my point across.

lets start off with the first song. “Forever This Way”
the riff is super repetitive. the entire intro and verse are the same two fucking chords. the chorus is three chords that repeat over and over again. I can’t hear any bass, do you have one? the drums are pretty sad, no variation, pitiful fills. the vocals suck, and if you used a mic into a computer, the vocals should have been the one thing you could have gotten right. I can’t hear the lyrics, but the singers voice sounds like ass. sounds like every “failed” metal band in the last 10 years.

the second song “Last Line”
this song sucks a little less. your guitar isn’t based on power chords, though there really isn’t anything super exciting, once again everything is so repetitive it hurts. I laughed my ass off at the attempted solo. at first I was surprised, then I realized the guitar was just following the chords with an auto wah. pathetic. same thing with the drums and the vocals.

overall both songs are wayyy to long. if you arn’t going to stray away from just doing verse/chorus repeating you don’t need to stray much past 3 minutes. you had no transitions, no bridges, no pre or post chorus’s, no real intro’s or endings. that gets painful for 5+ minutes.

now, if you were modest about your “up and coming” band, I would have been cool, and gave you some honest criticism. but you are cocky and think your band is the shit, which its not, so I’m choosing to be a dick to get my point across.

So, if I was in the band, this is what I would suggest:
-Use backup vocals. your singer is nothing to get excited about.
-stray away from power chords. they get repetitive and screw “I’M A GUITAR NEWB”.
-theres more to a song then verse’s and chorus’s experiment. you don’t have to go totally progressive, but mix it up a bit.
-Shorten your songs, especially until you get some other stuff then verse’s and chorus’s.
-and if you really have “connections” use them to make a recording. no matter what you sound like, you should like shit with a crappy recording.

oh trust me i know they are repetative, which is why i hate those two songs and constantly bitch that they are the only two on this site. We have some riffs that are killer. I hate super repeteative shit…unfortunatly i have little say in that aspect as I dont write the songs, I am just the drummer. I will try to get some others recorded. I keep telling them that we need better songs up, because those are the 2 shittyest ones we have imho. No we dont have a bass right now. we’ve been looking for one for a while. I completely understand what youre saying aws far as the shitty recording not doin us any justice…trust me…it has been my biggest bitch for a long time. I didnt mean to come across as being cocky…I do think we have some killer songs, those just arent them. All our other songs have alot better melody, bridges to the chorises, and good breakdowns. That is the one thing I hate about the first song is it is so god damned repetative…but like I said…I was out voted. we are going to get some good recordings done as soon as we get our tax returns. That will pay for some decent quality studio time.

well then i’d be interested in hearing what the other songs sound like.
I also understand what its like to have a bad representation of your band on your page. For the longest time my old band had old recordings from before I was in the band, and we all hated them, and our sound was fairly different, but hey, they were better then nothing.

how much you wanna bet i have senses fail come to my house and play fucking scrabble before you ever get senses fail to hang out with you, let alone answer your phone call

i dunno, i heard buddy was a scrabble fan…might not be too hard…

Ok enough about senses fail…dont believe my band has played with them…I could care less. Back on topic here.

If anybody wants to come let me know. It will be a good time.


cmon guys

as i scroll down, all i see is text blocks of death.

JEG, good luck with the concert. Fuck all these noob haters, they are just jealous and stupid. Anyone can have random connections, and I’m sure a year or two ago no one knew who senses fail was. I can’t make it, but bring the house down :tup:



Senses FAIL!!!

Never heard of them.


Good luck Jeg.