My bands recording is coming along.

We rented a board/mics/cables/stands for a month from Pains N stuff in blawnox. Me and the one guitarest got fucking sick of waiting on other people that said they could get us recorded. We got the stuff saturday and sat around for like 8 hours getting the song below done sunday. This is a rough mix for now. Its all mixed on the korg board we rented. NOTHING done with the computer YET. Eventually Ill import it all in and go to fucking town.

If you dont like hardcore/Metal you probably wont like this. Either way, opinions always welcome.


Sounds good.


Sounds pretty good man. Who did the mixing? I wish i would have known b/c i used to run a board and mix a while back.

sounds excellent, send a cd my way :slight_smile:

i liked evertyhing except the lars like snare playing :wink:

your band is sweet dude

Do you have a direct file I can download? I dont have speakers and have to copy media files to my phone and play them that way and I want to listen.

It freezes up and doesnt do anything.

i had to load it 3 or 4 times shag

MySpace is gay, it never caches the MP3s correctly… we are going to throw it on purevolume eventually. Thats a shitty ass rough mix. My drumming is off a little in some parts. We have to redo the whole song to get it right, this is just a equipment based limitation, i COULD redo it, but it would be rough to get it correct. Its no where near mastered AT ALL. its just the levels are set where they are. I might bring my snare tuning down, the mic isng catching the soung right at all.

Gearhead, we rented a Korg D1600mkII, its pretty nifty, That song is going to get redone later. Were going to end up recording 6 tracks or so. I will post them later in the month. I would love to get to a real studio, but, that costs tons of money we dont have.

can u send it to me on AIM ?


Lars sucks, thats a damn insult. This recording sucks… just wait till im dont fucking with it. Something half good might come out of it.

the truth

sounds decent dom… i think i heard you recording the other night !!

Were you near my house? Thats where we play, if you could hear us you would HAVE to be right out side my house since were in the game room in the basement. If it was West Newton, wasnt us.