Battle of the bands 3/2

oh trust me i know they are repetative, which is why i hate those two songs and constantly bitch that they are the only two on this site. We have some riffs that are killer. I hate super repeteative shit…unfortunatly i have little say in that aspect as I dont write the songs, I am just the drummer. I will try to get some others recorded. I keep telling them that we need better songs up, because those are the 2 shittyest ones we have imho. No we dont have a bass right now. we’ve been looking for one for a while. I completely understand what youre saying aws far as the shitty recording not doin us any justice…trust me…it has been my biggest bitch for a long time. I didnt mean to come across as being cocky…I do think we have some killer songs, those just arent them. All our other songs have alot better melody, bridges to the chorises, and good breakdowns. That is the one thing I hate about the first song is it is so god damned repetative…but like I said…I was out voted. we are going to get some good recordings done as soon as we get our tax returns. That will pay for some decent quality studio time.