BBQpics and OWNED VIDEO !!!!

pics and video here OWNED !!!

:rofl: :owned: :rofl:

" see what the fuck you did now, you got my daughter wound up "


wahoo!!1 im in the fast cars pic

looks like you are inthe back to me. :smiley:

all the oil he was burning wouldve got our cars dirty

back to the video bitches

I can’t get the video to play. :wtf:

right click

“save as”

i figured i’d give you fbody guys a lil self esteem and park it behind them

either that or a f-body guy was directing traffic.

no ur just used to seeing the back end of us didnt want to put your body into shock seeing the front of em in your mirror

tomorrow night???

racing me vs u HELL YEAH !!!

ill be at jj’s tomorrow night from 6 or 7 till ??

i only have street tires with me though

i wont :slight_smile: hehehe borrow shaggys drag tires


cool, I’ll take the TA to work and we can run em. Sam will know when and where.


what app are you guys using to play the vids?