BBS files for bankruptcy!

BBS announces insolvency

Update of the autosuppliers BBS automotive technology AG in scold oh (circle Rottweil), one of the prominent manufacturers of light alloy wheels, placed insolvency request. As reason for the inability to pay the enterprise gave on Tuesday (6,2.) the way breaking of a bank on.

A catching solution failed. The technology leader with high-quality light alloy wheels had still briefly before communicated the change at the point of the supervisory board. The former minister of economics of Baden-Wuerttemberg Walter Doering should replace Hans-Peter Hirner (71).

BBS had communicated in August 2006 that the enterprise had to accept a result depression because of aluminum prices snapped the strongly up. The additional tax result sagged in the first half-year on minus 3.8 million euro. For the whole year 2006 BBS had expected a conversion of 200 million euro. The conversion of the yearly 2005 was with 189.8 million euro. BBS employs approximately 1,200 humans in the company.

Serious liquidity difficulties

“although to the time of the filing of an application still promising negotiations were led to the re-establishment of the solvency of the enterprise, were the reason for the filing of an application that the society was come into serious liquidity difficulties and the end of the request period stood, was called after Paragraf 92 of the law on limited companies before the expiration” it in the report of BBS.

A solution for the re-establishment of the solvency appeared last, which should be carried by the big customers of the enterprise. The promise of the big customers to make the necessary liquidity available by larger Vorfaelligkeitszahlungen it was also given. The conversion of the concept failed however at the night to Tuesday because of the resistance of one of the banks involved, although the society granted for the purpose of the continuation of the financing collateral to the financing banks. A catching solution under excluding the bank concerned did not come therefore no more to conditions.

Damn… they made sexy rims… But I’ll have to say, VOLKS ALL THE WAY!!!

This is to be expected since Aluminum price is going up…

i unno bout u but for sum reason this article was a little tough to follow…but that sucks…but i agree i do like the volks

“BBS employs approximately 1,200 humans in the company.”

noo shit…so theyve got other employees that are not humans

hopefully a big BBS clearout sale will happen soon :smiley:

haha, they’re probably referring to all the machinery that they use or “employ” at their foundry’s.

yea but…machines arent employees…theyre not on the pay roll lol

Sure they are if you count the electricity used to run them :stuck_out_tongue:

lol theyre not being paid tho…the hydro company is

It is a direct translation from German.

no wonder

I think you guys are forgetting that just because that they’ve filed for bankruptcy, it doesn’t mean that they’re shutting down, and stopping all production.

Look at American Airlines, bankruptcy just gives them more grace over tax laws, and more lee-way with certain things.

They’re still going to be around. BBS + Bmw = match made in heaven! :wink:

agreed !!!

Maybe my stock BBS rims will become collector items? haha my BBS are my WINTER rims!

Finally, a sensible voice in this thread. You are completely right.

Oh, and BBS rims > the mesh style of Volk rims (aka GT-U and SF-Winnings). BBS started the mesh, and no one does them better, because no one does them stronger, or lighter.

Are you sure you’re not thinking of bankruptcy protection? thatz what you file for when you’re a huge company and u need creditors off ur back, bankruptcy is what you file for when you’re finished… It’s hard to tell from that article what they were trying to say, but it sounds like BBS is done.

I just called BBS USA and spoke to them on the phone. They’re still there, and they’re not going away.

North America it’s chapter 11 which is a bankruptcy protection , it’s simply a system of legal arbitration with creditors and debtors to allow the company to modify ( restructure), it’s financial obligations for a specific amount of time. They are not going out of business. allot of BIG companies have done this in the past and come out ahead in the end.