bearded dragon for sale

yep, someone came into my store and sold this thing, strange as shit but kinda cool…

selling a bearded dragon with tank, 2 heat lights, temp gauge wood playing thing and a water bowl. He eats crickets and veggies and sbardy can confirm first hand that he DOES NOT bite lololol…


Was it a chick with glasses?

nah, it was a guy

what size is that tank?

im not sure, 20 gallon?

My ex had one of these in the EXACT same tank with all of the same shit in it lol. The thing was a dickhead though. Must be some standard set up they sell you when you buy one at a store.

Always wanted one of these guys again. Aslong as you handle him every day they are one of the coolest small lizards you can get. Very well tempered.

sweet deal

Awesome deal. He’s a boss for sure, but would never bite… Very well tempered.

That tank looks too small (looks kinda like a 12 gal fish tank, but hard to tell because the lizard could be pretty big), for whoever ends up with him, it would be worth upgrading to one of the lower, wider tanks since these guys don’t really climb. In my opinion, kinda sleazy to bring a pet to a pawn shop vs offering it up for adoption, but that’s an issue with the owner more than anything.

Also really important is the special UV basking bulb so they can get some of the nutrients they need. Aside from that, fruits and veggies and crickets and they are about as low-maintenance as any other reptile.

I want to get a beardie, just don’t really have room for another tank at the moment.

Bearded dragons are awesome like that. Provided they have what they need, are comfortable, and get fed, they literally do not give a fuck.

how much just for the Dragon? I have a 90 gallon to put him in.

Yeah I would guess a 10 gal tank there. Going by it being 2 and half dvd cases wide behind it lol So hes a good 8-10 inches long, prob 2-3 years old I would guess. He def could use a bigger tank. I see two lights there, does one have a bluish colored bulb in it? Could be the UV bulb. Looked again, its just a red heat bulb right

Great pets! They can live 10+ years (my girl is probably 12 now). Hope it goes to a good home. Tank needs to be much bigger. PM me if anyone needs more info.

the hell he doesnt climb, fucker thinks he spider man lol… and i couldnt agree with you more, the reason I took him and any other animal that comes into my store if bc i care more about animals then humas, if he didnt get rid of him to me, he would have to someone else… at least I get to choose who takes him.

not sure what id do with all the other shit i have lol, would rather keep it togeather.

Does it breathe fire?



Dudes bad ass. Someone buy him before I do.

haha awesome

Dude, it’s $100. Really?

if you buy cats let me know. i found 2 strays outside i have been feeding i would like to get a return on my investment.