Beast just came home from work...

super stoked with halo 3 in hand. little does he know jay wonch has hidden both of his controllers somewhere in the ritz…

this is going to be good. vid coming shortly

AWESOME cant wait for the outcome

LOL :clap:

This better be some damn good nerd rage.

omg he just freaked the fuck out

he was so pissed ahahahhaha

LOL… in for vids

hahaha. no pwning n00bz for le beast.

so in for video, lol

another ritz video that will wind up on strangers myspaces ??? we shall see …

meh, theyre not that good. ran out of memory and missed the good part, when he opened the door holding his gun and politely asked jay wonch to give them back



should have hid the xbox and the tv.

no good vid = thread fail


meh, it was a spur of the moment kinda thing


no good vid = thread fail



honestly, im disappointed in myself. :picard:

i let you guys down, and gave in to easily. we gave them back too soon. we are to nice. :frowning:

Jam you have upset me :frowning:

im sorry.

this had such potential.

i suck :frowning:


im sorry.

this had such potential.

i suck :frowning:


shit if i had a gun in my face i think i would gave them back too. :mamoru:

well i know where to find everyone for the next week or so…


meh, theyre not that good. ran out of memory and missed the good part, when he opened the door holding his gun and politely asked jay wonch to give them back




well i know where to find everyone for the next week or so…


yo uknow where to find the beast for the next week or so

the kid locked himself in his room all fucking day…

haha i left him a message on xbox live

“me>you in halo3”

and something else but i forgot :frowning:

what there was of the video was funny as shit…