beaver autox tomorrow


20 bucks per car

shouldnt be crowded at all. lots of runs

I may try and make it out there, not driving my car though, maybe a nice wrx with a terrible exhaust leak

you better be there zach. and when is your car going to be done?

SUX…I have to work till six…:mad:

well, it ended up being myself, my friends john and bill. thats it! we had three hours of autox to ourselves.

we didnt really like the course layout, so they let us build our own! we had one fast ass track set up. i bet i was hitting 80mph on the straight into a huge skid pad. :eek3:

so much fun today. and i claim the FTD with bill hot on my tail .3 seconds behind

Damn I want to go next time.

i wish a few more people would have came out. it was crazy. the most you ever had to wait was about 1-2 minutes between runs.

our track was short time wise(high 20’s-low 30’s) but it was FAST! average speed had to be 35-40mph!) i had to shift to third in my car on the long straight, i tried staying in second and was pinging my 8800 rev limmiter for a full second or so before id brake :eek3:

im still excited about how much fun it was. im really anxious to get back out there!