November 6, 2009, 7:44pm
His example only applies to a car with a 50/50 split and no f/r braking bias.
he is saying that because of the 50/50 and the front and rear are both braking equally there will be weight transfer.
What I am saying is that because of weight transfer, there will not be a 50/50 split and therefore you need to account for longitudinal and vertical forces.
I completely understand your point Os. and its a good one in things like busses and tractors. but race cars generally have low CG’s perhaps below the spindle even.
You really need to establish the vertical and horizontal components of the CG in both axis, and then sum the moments in both directions.
Yeah, lots of assumptions in the paper- just seemed strange to completely ignore the vertical component. I think you hit it on the head though with the last statement… Good discussion. :thumb