i was reading a car magazine (doesnt matter which one) in which they were comapring the new Lamborghine Gallardo roadsert to a Ferrari F430 Spyder. the editors were squaking about how the roadster Gallardo weighs 300 pounds more than its hardtopped counterpart like it was the end of the world.
now, im not a physicist (i dont even think i spelled that right haha) or an engineer, but it seems to me that 300 lbs doenst really make that much of a difference. ok, mayb 300 lbs is pushing the limmit of the idea, but still. i think when people talk a about a few extra punds being a tragic flaw on a car, they are not considering everyday applications. sure its a different world in racng, but who buys Gallardos and F430s for the sole purpose of racing them on a competitive level? i could be wrong in saying this, but i would think that msot buyers of such cars buy them for personal enjoyment.
so about that everyday application thing. im gonna use a real example for this. the other night, i was with my uncle and we stopped by the Saturn dealer for the hell of it to check out the new Sky. now, im about 6’ 1", 240 lbs and my uncle about 6’ 6" and 280 lbs or so. so with both sitting in this car (yes, it was quite a sight lol), how much would that hinder the performance verses 2 people that are 5’ 10 and around 160 lbs? does that extra weight really make a difference for everyday driving? same thing in the Gallardo roadster. lets say theres a guy driving it thats 5’ 8" and 160 lbs. now lets say theres 2 guys in that coupe that are 6’ and 230 lbs. theres that 300 lb difference made up right there. so, considering that, is it safe to say that theroetically those 2 cars should be equal now that they are weighing the same? are they? were they even consistnatly that much different to begin with?
lets take a more practical example. 2 people on this forum race. the race is very close and the losing car has a driver and 1 passenger. the losing car uses the fact that he has 1 passenger as an excuse for loosing. considering the car weights, we’ll say 2900 lbs, does that extra 150-200 lb weight of the passenger really make that much of a differnce? i dont think so.
now, when we talk about, people who completely gut the inside of thier car, use all lightweight materials and lighten the car up by 500 or more lbs, then yes, i think that does make a differnce. is doing all of this for an everyday car work it? hell no. on a race car is it? of couse.
the point i am trying to make, is i honestly dont think that its worth making a huge deal out of a few hundred punds weight difference when there are soooo many variables that make an extra coupple hundred punds on or off the car virtually meaningless. yes there is a point where weight makes a difference, if we’re talking about a Ford Festiva that can barely do 45 mph and has less hp than the average riding lawmower, then yeah an extra 200lbs is gonna kill the damn thing. but in a car making 500 hp, is an extra 200 or 300 lbs really that big of a deal? i mean there has to be a certain point where such a small measure in relation to the weight of the car doesnt matter anymore.
so if u read all that, please comment and add your own thoughs. im interested to hear what people have to say on this.