bee*R Rev Limiters

Pardon my ignorance…can you adjust it “on the fly?”

What I mean is, can you adjust it as you’re driving?

Im so down Chris. Ill drop a deposit within 1-2 weeks if thats kool?..Just gota pay off a few cars and have some spending money for my vacato.

im down

im not 100% on if you can adjust it as your driving but i dont see why not?
and i didnt get a chance to go to the bank to set up the emt but will be done tomorow.
thanks for the interest. and hope i can these shipped soon

hey chris

i never had to go to the bank to set up my emt.

sign up for online banking and set it up on there

Yep, you can.

Check this out:

He doesn’t shut the car off between adjustments.

thanks peter ill check that out today when i get home from work.

can anybody verify the pro’s and con’s to this product ?.

I’m interested in one, but I’ll be running powerfc on my sr. Can you expand on the problems that can come up? Thanks.


line me up, ill need a week to give a deposit but im IN


i believe what the article was referring to was the grounds. Honestly i couldn’t answer ur question because its just what i read in the article posted above. Im poor so im going to make my own so if i can figure out what it means by that statement i shall let u know.
My assumption was that potentially attaching a ground to a specific ecu pin could cause some sort of feedback. It all depends on the PFC circuits. A possible solution would be attaching it directly to chassis but that could potentially lead to other problems such as delay in the rev limiter. Common sense tells me it should work either way but i’ve seen some f’d up shit happen just by changing one ground to another.

im not sure if it was fully answered, but i know when i change the settings on either A or B mode, or the gain for that matter, when in motion, causes the car to cut the spark and it jerks around a bit, so i only change it idling or off (personally)…I love mine, works great, 4 wires to hook up, 5 if you want to use the 2 step, and makes nice lightshows out in the woods or backroads?

sorry i have been slacking on the bank emt jazz. i been way to busy at work but tomorow i have the day off so it will be all ready.

how many guys are in on this?? how much do you think to ship to barrie???

how much are we looking to pay in total for this? after shipping approx… have you totaled in Customs charges and all that?

put me down for one for sure, i just need to know if it is like 2 step where as you actually can make 1 setting for a rev limiter so you dont actually smash your true rev limiter if your drifting, and one as a launch limiter so you can use it like anti lagg, yet still have the existing rev limiter… does it work when the ebrake isnt up or is up for launching purposes ? im confused.

basically, can i use it to launch at 5500 rpm, and start moving and surpass that existing rpm ? to get to 7 or so to shift ?

yes one if ebrake up one is just general rev limit,

so you can set your launch rpm, stomp the gas then drop the ebrake and roll out

okay so as long as the light on my dash says (!) lol i can hold a launch.
most ebrakes dont engage that well to make the light go on, so i should be okay. i’ll see how fast i can get you the depst.

yea i was doing my online banking today i needed also to send money to reconjdm lol or jdmrecon or w/e jdmpanda for hidz and i messed up my secret password im on the phone now to get this shit figured out…really cheezin me off this online emt bs.

wait a sec u come on SON240SX.COM and u dont have any for a 240?