Beer in the Shower?

before i go out i pound a beer in the shower

I don’t know why this sounds so appealing. I’m seriously about to go get a sixer of something just to try it.

So what’s a good shower beer?

:picard: :lol: fucking brilliant…

depends on when i’m showering i guess. in the morning i drink coffee in the shower. at night before going out i’ll drink beer in the shower.



before i went out for st patty’s '05, i was pounding crown & coke in the shower

87Fox’ll vouch for my state in the hours to follow


:lol: yessiree, you were hammered, i think you started a fight with a stop sign that night and lost.

its cool its cool youre still my boy blue :tup:


So what’s a good shower beer?


PBR, man. Make sure it’s in one of those foam koozie things.

I may or may not be kidding.

Oh baby!


So what’s a good shower beer?


:picard:anything with alcohol.

also i wish there was a way i could have picked fuck yea and i am too busy jerking off in the poll.

greatest way to start a hangover morning.

and all around a good time.


also i wish there was a way i could have picked fuck yea and i am too busy jerking off in the poll.


jerk, then beer?

there was no bacon option, so i went for whackin it

oh man this used to be a every weekend event for me in high school. get outta work and have one of the over 21 guys get me a case of beer. run home pound 1 or 2 in the shower and then go to w/e party i was off to.

honestly i kinda miss doing it and im about to start it back up. You can try so many variations of beer drinking and if you spill it on yourself so what you’re already in the shower. The hold the beer in your fully extended arm and try to pour it in your mouth was one of my personal favorites

Im gonna try it now jam and see what this beer in the shower is all about…

fuck yes, molson or a blue

I had a beer in the shower prior to going out tonight. It was everything I thought it could be, and more.

Its funny when you go to take a shower with the gf and have a beer with you and theyre like WTF is that??? Um, a beer, obviously. We are showering, no?

I prefer to bring a margarita into the shower, at least there i can salt my own rim

Option #4 and add the words “my boyfriend…” to it


I prefer to bring a margarita into the shower, at least there i can salt my own rim



i drank coffee in the shower this morning. i think everyone does that though.

Hell yeah beer in the shower, or sometimes a G&T.