Just tried it. It’s like showering for the first time. Mrs. BikerFry burst out laughing when I proudly began drinking a beer in the shower. And then…
Just tried it. It’s like showering for the first time. Mrs. BikerFry burst out laughing when I proudly began drinking a beer in the shower. And then…
she shoved two fingers in your ass?:gotme:
she shoved two fingers in your ass?:gotme:
nope. an entire fist!
bottle > can
Coffee in the shower would be weird I think, beer in the shower is always a good time. Its like a beer on a 90 degree afternoon, so delicious.
i was gonna try this this morning, but i was too busy eating bacon
best ever. no better way to end a long day
i was gonna try this this morning, but i was too busy eating bacon
It’s how I prefer to start every morning. Fuck coffee.
Never tried, never will. I did however blow blood vessels in my eyes this weekend due to high alcohol consumption, so it’s not like I don’t drink.
But yeah, wouldn’t eat/drink anything but water if it was just me taking a shower.
FTMFT (for cheap but drinkable).
I did however blow blood vessels in my eyes this weekend due to high alcohol consumption, so it’s not like I don’t drink.
hah, i always wondered how my buddy got that the one time. we thought it was cause he got punched in the eye but we couldnt remember him being in a fight. guess that explains it. :lolham:
just got out of the shower, that was fantastic
im still naked, just sitting here. shit ya
pics or ban.
wait. wat?
Damn how did I miss this? I love a brewski in the shower.