Beer in the Shower?

:cry: These threads. Relics of a forgotten age. I still think about beer and bacon every time I shower.

I am drinking a bottle of fat tire, a pint of arrogant bastard ale, and a glass of red wine at the same time right now. While working on a final project due tomorrow!


(Both calling you one, and referring to something you can eat in the shower…zing.)

I had a beer for breakfast which was so good I had another for desert.

In the shower?

pancakes still win

I’m pretty sure anything that touches the Ritz general bathroom/shower area immediately has some sort of life threatening contagious infection.

When I was selling my last house the people asked me why there was a bottle opener in the shower.
I said, “Because it is hard to open a beer bottle with wet hands.”
It seemed pretty obvious to me.:gotme:



Did the arrogant bastard ale come in the BMW kit with the stick?

gotta say, i’m all about a cold one, but i really don’t know if i would enjoy this or not.

probably because i always shower at 6am getting ready for the day though… maybe i should try switching to after work and give this a run

^ A wise man once told me, “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.”

^ that’s what my grandfather used to say

work really puts a damper on that though… we have a no alcohol policy :frowning:

Never tried a beer.

Jam you should try a white russian while taking a bath, that seems to be more your style :wink:

:lol: :clap: :rofl:

Dude you’re on fire today!

I really, really love this quote.

Ever have one of those 5am boozing nights where you for some reason wake up on 3 hours of sleep and just feel terrific, and not hung over or tired in the slightest? That was me this morning. Combine that with the fact I leave for Vegas tomorrow and am on vacation next week, and my wit is firing on all cylinders today :slight_smile:

  1. I got no homework done and I hate myself.
  2. I have a dentist appt in 30 min and all I can taste is booze.
  3. The gay gay stole the stick but I ordered the deluxe stick in ass kit off ebay so its cool.
  4. Arrogant Bastard Ale tastes like SHIT!

I first heard of this when I witnessed Mike Flick doing it. I tried it. I’m a fan. I did it last night even.