Beer in the Shower?

^Then you’re a god among men.

its not even that. i know to many drunks, and well honestly to have a beer in the shower sounds like something a drunk would do. i go in the shower to shower and get clean, not spend my time drinking a beer. if im going to drink a beer, ill finish the shower, get dressed sit down and have a beer. having a beer in the shower sounds like you need to have a beer where ever you go. when you see half the kids you chilled with back in high school now wasting there life away getting drunk all the time this would probably be your thought too.

Do you just not like beer?

almost all of my high school friends fall into that category: it does NOT change the fact that a cold one in the shower especially after sports/manual labor is fucking great.

Must be just you. All of the people that I know from high school have become successful doctors/lawyers/business owners. I can tell you that every single one of them enjoys a fine beer in the shower. It’s not about being a drunk. It’s about enjoying two things at once.

Wanna know how I know you’re gay? :stuck_out_tongue:

I see where you’re coming from, but it’s actually just surprisingly refreshing and delicious. Not “OMG I’m not going to stop drinking to take a shower!”


its not about drinking and getting drunk. Its about enjoying one of life’s simple pleasures.

now, if you start taking shots in the shower, you might need better time management…


dont get me wrong i love my beer and i love my liquor. lol i just dont need it in the shower.

edit: whatever, everyone has there opinion on this topic.

as your lawyer, I advise you to try a beer in the shower. A supercold magic hat #9 is just delicious.

I’m partial to a Saranac Caramel Porter. Magic Hat just doesn’t do it for me for some reason.

maybe ill get a yuenglings or something special for the occasion. lol

^^ You’ll thank yourself (and us) after you’re done.

seriously, its like having sex for the first time.

IPAs seem best. I’ve tried quite the range, Pilsner is a close second.

used to in the army… tall boy’s of Keystone of Bud light after PT in the morning, got in trouble once for all the empties in the shower.

i cant wait to have a beer in the shower tonight

and yababou just for you im going to shotgun a 6 pack of bud in cans in the shower tonight while screaming “BROOOOOOO PARRRRZZZZYYYYYYYYYY!!!111” then i will go into my room and punch my gf. and drink a quart of whiskey to my face, then hit her some more

i really will, not kidding at all

actually, i’ll be serious for a minute. when you get older, and acquire a taste for good beer (read- not coors light) you really start to enjoy it. its not about getting drunk anymore, more like thats secondary to the delicious taste of a hop rod rye, a youngs double chocolate stout, or even a nice glass of boddingtons.

im going to guess youre around 18-19. not even of legal drinking age yet. if i had you sample some of my favorite beers, you would prob be disgusted by them. it is an acquired taste. i like to think of myself as a beer conusuer (sp) of sorts.

I would say drinking in the shower is sort of like drinking in a hot tub gazing up at the stars in the middle of winter.