Beer pong table designs...

Its better than bad, its good!

Ren&Stimpy reference FTW!! :lol

My buddy painted one to look like a nintendo controller, nerdy and awesome.

That was actually gonna be my next suggestion, but I thought I might get called out for it.

you need a don vito themed table. 100% serious.

You need a home side and an away side. The away side will be plastered with awful pics like goatse and tubgirl and such. While the other side with be plastered with awesome pics of boobies and such.

^great idea!

or home = vito doin good shit

away=vito getting hit with shit, dressed like a clown, etc.

oh, and the maiden voyage on the table = murrdogg/lksi vs kramer/d-train…right?

Home Side = Megan Fox, Jess Alba, etc.

Away Side = American Idol fags

HaHa… im down for the maiden voyage game, but I think im gonna do motivational pictures and fails. I think it will be hilarious