
Yeah, no doubt it’s expensive. I don’t drink good beer regularly. I usually keep Rolling Rock or Yuengling bottles in the 'fridge, and when I’m out I’ll get a RR, Yuengling, or Iron City bottle. Guiness and similary priced beers are a once and awhile treat.

i like heiny and straub… sucks that it’s more than a 1/5th of wild turkey, so i default to that usually

Yeah, I like both of those to. I forgot about Straub, that’s another of my cheaper favorites and I will buy Straub over RR or Yuengling on occasion.

straub is good, all natural

you guys every drink BLUE MOON?

its like a belgium wheat beer thats brewed with orange zest? i got it on special at smokey bones a while back. they bring it to you with an orange slice as garnish. it wasnt bad, just different.


I hate wheat beers. I’m pretty open to just about any type of beer, cheap, expensive, dark, light, ect ect, but I can’t stomach wheat beers at all.

Wednesday nights they have $1 Blue Moon pints at Hemingways in Oakland

I’ve had it…Its ok nothing special though IMO

Blue Moon is too… I can’t think of an adjective… it’s ok, but it’s no Hoegaarden.

You should try Hoegaarden or even Victory Whirlwind, and tell them to hold the citrus. Phenomenal stuff.

How about Grolsch?

mmm… Grolsch Blonde.

blue moon is horrible

Guiness and newcastle >

east end breweries, a new small pittsburgh brewer’s “belgian white” is also pretty good. brewed right in east liberty.

so it’s allegheny river water…


lol… i’ll try it.

european waterways are much cleaner… ppl still shit in holes in teh ground in italy :rofl:

east end breweries, a new small pittsburgh brewer’s “belgian white” is also pretty good. brewed right in east liberty.

Never heard of East End Breweries…where exactly in Slib are they located? I’d love to check them out.

dude bought the old equiptment for valhalla. the brewery/restaurant that shut down in the strip district. he brews beer in some warehouse in east lib, but you can buy his beer at local bars like D’s sixpacks in edgewood, shadyside bites n’ brews and harris’s on ellsworth st. also kelly’s bar on center ave in east lib.

the beers aint bad. and you get to support a local yinzer.

I wonder if they have his stuff at the Sharp Edge? I’ll definitely try it out. Thanks for the tip.

most likely. i used to go there all the time but stopped cause of the shitty service.

Yeah…there’s lots of reasons to not go to the Sharp Edge anymore:

  1. Shitty service (usually)
  2. Rediculous prices (have gone up a bunch of times in the past 3-4 years)
  3. Location (don’t want to leave a nice car in the lot)
  4. Annoying yuppie clientele

But, there’s still enough reasons, for me at least, to keep going:

  1. CHEAP food after 10PM.
  2. Ginormous beer selection.
  3. Location (it’s a five minute drive from my house).
  4. CHEAP food after 10PM.
  5. Ginormous beer selection.

dude try d’s sixpacks on bradock ave in regent sq. they got like 1500+ beers, damn good service, and good food. the prices are reasonable.