
well done sir!


Thanks, it’s just what us fat guys do…:cool:

you like the taste of beer and yet you drink bud? you poor thing. Come down here and I will take you to a few places and get you a decent beer :slight_smile:


Captn or Jack & Coke FTW !

chocolate, cherrys and vanila oh my!!! Try a pint of boddingtons and leave the fruit salad for the :greddy2: s

mmm boddingtons

no fat tire ale? or Dog Fish Head?

That sounds like a damn good offer…

Fat Tire is good.

I cry a little when I see someone drinking a bud… :frowning:
Many a great bars down here. My favorite is the brickskeller - here is their beer list:

tear in my beer :nono:

magic hat circus boy is my current beer of choice, smithwicks is good, and of course you cant go wrong with chimay red

Nothing is WRONG with Budweiser…there’s just alot more RIGHT with a good beer like Oak Barrel Stout. It’s like the difference between driving a stock TransAm and driving a Z06, both are fun, but one is just so much better.

no, budweiser’s just fucking nasty. They substitute a good chunk of rice where there should be barley. It’s a bottle of piss, basically.

Penn Marzen is a real beer in the style that Budweiser is trying to emulate.

As for liking the taste of beer? Budweiser isn’t beer; it’s cheap cereal that’s been left out to rot.


friday went to the sisters bar, Drank my usual Budwweiser.
after being dropped off, fried up some wings. Get a headache.

blanyer jinxed me :boink Switched to original coors.

Should have went straight to sleep :bash:

Drank Keystone Ice last night with a friend. The game was:

“Watch Fast & the Furious and drink every time the dialogue is dumb.”

This morning I felt like SoulCaliber 2 was playing in my skull.

I would definitely agree with said statement well put. Me I like Yingling Lager amongst any German beers. I hate Bud and MGD is barely a step above Bud but I drink that sometimes. It sucks that I moved to GA cause they don’t have Yingling I have to go to Alabama for Yingling. there aren’t many good beers in GA either.

why dont you brew your own then? it really aint that hard.

but yengling is made in Pottstown pa…I favor local beers like yeungling and at one time Rolling rock…(I am originally from latrobe) now though, rock tastes like all the other mass produced swill …recntly I tried a beer named Butt Monkey…its made in willks-barre its not bad tastes like rock used to