Before you vote Democrat/Obama...

that would be more dumb.
So my vote goes to you.

This is near one of the worst political threads I’ve seen. Awful…

You have got to be fucking kidding me right?
I show a video of Barnie Frank actually saying there is no problems with Freddie and Fannie and you laugh but then you post a picture of a birth certificate?
You’re a joke Fry.

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ.

Thank god you live in new york and your vote doesn’t matter AWDrifter.

You’re a retard if you think raising taxes on ANYONE is going to help things. Not to mention a socialistic retard if you think universalizing healthcare is a proper solution for that issue.

Also before you start whining and crying republican, I’m a registered independent who isn’t particularly fond of either candidate or their vice presidential selections.


Universal healthcare will solve a lot of the problems associated with health care. Especially that small problem of having millions of people without it.

But since conservatives don’t believe that everyone should have healthcare, that its only for those who can afford it then you really don’t care about those people in the first place.

only one way to find out. Conservatives just don’t believe that it’s going to work (nor socialized/government run programs in general). It hasn’t yet

look at welfare… perfect example of a social program that doesn’t work. Why don’t they fix that first? Or social security?

Are you fucking kidding me? do you have any idea how much that goes against our fundamental Ideals as a nation as far as being a capitalist country, as well as how fucked it will make us? That’s basically communizing healthcare. It is proven that it makes the system more flawed than it already is and has negative repercussions. Look at Canada. They have socialized healthcare and their taxes are through the roof and their health care is a joke! Why do you think so many of them come to the US for surgeries and major problems? If you go to an emergency room in the US you are seen and treated fairly quickly…in Canada you have to wait sometimes 10-12 hours before you are even seen. But what do I know, its not like I have talked to a shit ton of Canadians about it while I worked at Darien lake…oh wait…I did. We had thousands of Canadians camp there on weekends over the summer and everyone I have talked to have all said the same thing. Their healthcare system sucks.

But hey i mean its not like we need to reform the healthcare system or anything, lets just throw more taxpayer money at the problem and make it more widespread. You think we have problems now…OMFG. Socialize healthcare and see how much you pay out the ass for everything.

Time for an off topic rant on why universal healthcare would be a horrid idea.

  • It will lower the quality of healthcare
  • Without profit, there will be no incentive to reduce costs
  • People will abuse the system (see:welfare)
  • Financing a national healthcare program would be incredibly expensive, resulting in LARGE SCALE tax increases across every class
  • With healthcare as a “right”, people would have no incentive to reduce costs
  • With free healthcare, people won’t have an incentive to live healthy, as they are guaranteed medical service
  • Good luck finding a bed when you need one (see:other national health care countries)

Now I’m not saying the healthcare system is perfect (or good) however a national healthcare program is not the way to solve it.

Will you be able to sue the government with National Healthcare if you get screwed by them?

Don’t make me laugh. Universal healthcare will not solve problems it will only create more issues in the long run. There have already been multiple instances in THIS country in which universal healthcare plans have failed to pass or been scraped in certain states. Not to mention that we’ve had the opportunity to observe what has happened with Canada and Britain’s NHS.

People like you don’t seem to fully comprehend the costs involved and associated with universal healthcare plans and that there is no such thing as “free” universal healthcare. It is impossible to lower costs and increase access to one of these systems without raising taxes significantly. Then when you try and keep costs down without raising taxes significantly you end up restricting access to the health care for certain things.

You can’t tell me you haven’t heard about that going on in Canada, which is why Canadians come to this country for major surgeries or procedures, which they could potentially wait years for in their own country. This is obviously a bad practice seeing that some peoples lives depend on those surgeries and they could potentially die before they get it. It’s the same thing with Britain’s NHS, which is why they are starting to turn to private agencies to provide services relating to things such as cancer that they cannot provide.

As I mentioned earlier there have already been a couple of instances where states tried to implement universal healthcare systems only to have them be shot down or fail. Some of the states that come to mind are Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and oh you guessed it California. The plan in California failed miserably because people don’t realize universal healthcare isn’t “free” like I said earlier. When it was realized how much more it was going to cost than the money they had budgeted and that spending would outweigh revenue by far the system was considered a failure.

I think a few more people should quote that oversize image. Can a mod edit that out?

Does being in Jeg’s company when arguing a point have any effect on you? Make you think?

Hey, it was just a simple question.

You wouldnt sue the govt, you would sue a specific practice, one that operated for profit, one that was recieves money from both private healthcare and govt healthcare

I understand that we should look to other national health care programs from other countries and cringe

But why can we not look at all these programs and build a custom NHS that would prohibit these disasters from happening in the long run? I just hate when people are so close minded that they do not even want to look at this option. We have to do something and I think all options should be on the table.

And yes im a democrat for Obama, and like his options he talks about

Haha yeah his dad is Barack Hussein Obama Sr.

> Barack Hussein Obama (1936–1982) was a [Kenyan]( senior governmental economist, and [father]( of [Illinois]( [Senator]( and 2008 Democratic presidential nominee [Barack Obama](

I found that just googling for his birth certificate. Joe (IIRC) had posted it once in the election thread, so I knew it was out there. Maybe it’s fake, but the info seems accurate. :gotme:

I don’t blame you for staying out. People get so caught up arguing and fighting, that the stupid just gets far too strong.

That was an interesting rumor. I hadn’t heard it before. I found some stuff about supposedly him using that name while he was in school in Jakarta, but nothing reliable. :gotme:

And with that. I’m going to duck out of NYSpeed for a while.

Have fun kids.