Bennyfizzle's Modding

I know that he’s doing a great job as an OT mod, but there is some unrest about his forum character and the fact that he’s the mod, so I’d like to hear some opinions on what the general Shift member group thinks.

Benny can’t vote :tong

With pics of the cat in the soup and some of the most random quotes. Who else could manage an offbeat thread?

I just won’t be a mod anymore then, not a big deal.

Don’t worry this is srs bszns


I understand that the “PREPARE TO DIE” thread was supposed to be a joke, but should it be a mod that makes everyone’s computers fuck up because he posted some random like 380k picture???

BennyFizz = [color=red]FIRED![color]

way to fail nuib

and i can’t see how it ‘fucked everybody’s computer up’

it’s pretty much a harmless gag and has since been taken down.

be a man and tell everyone to get a faster computer and stfu :nod

Did it actually fully load for you?

haha, I clicked on it on my slow ass work laptop (pentium III!?!). That sucked…

My home comp didn’t even know anything was out of the ordinary.

See? the shiftybomb isn’t even that bad…there are ones on smiliesftw that are twice the size!


You guys really take this forum stuff as srs business, eh?

All the mods have to do here is split topics and move threads. A mod doesnt have to be a role model for other posters, they have to make sure the place runs smoothly and members are happy and keep coming back.

They can even personally insult people and start fights.

I salute you sir

Benny’s fine. I on the other hand shouldnt be allowed to mod any other section other than audio. there’d be too much random antics :lol


JClark on the spot again. Now, if you don’t like that shit. Go back to RSpeed$(%*$@ :lol

Benny’s a riot, let him mod. The shitheadmakes me laugh all the time. :lol

Voted for poor/poor, because today is opposite day :mwahaha

:lol The survey sample has been tainted! The poll is void!