Another sighting of OJ SIMPSON?..:hang:
Golisano lives in Buffalo?
I dont think so, last time I checked he was a rochester resident.
yes, there is a percentage of people in this area that have $ and can afford cars like these, but the % is EXTREMLLY LOW taking in concideration the rest of the country. besided the fact that any money that is here is looking to leave to greener pastures. this is truely the ARMPIT or the nation and a couple of schmucks that are able to buy such an item does not constitute in any way to me that this area " Has wealth beyond my imagination"
Tom, I am ashamed of your ignorance. Just because you do not see it on a daily basis doesnt mean the money is not here. People just have a tendancy to not flaunt thier money around here compared to other places in the country. I personally know around two dozen local millionaires, probably more. Most of them you would never be able to tell. Buffalo has a CRAZY amount of successful small business owners (considering the size of the city)… small business is what drives this town.
Another thing to consider is that this is a town where many of the rich migrate to other areas for the winter, meaning multiple houses, multiple cars, etc.
tom…SERVICE is the backbone of wny. industry is fading and fading fast.
edit* u can be as ashamed as you want but im not just talking about the wealth of the people, im talking about the city in general. if u go just down the 90 to rochester their city is 10x cleaner and more maintained. and when the city has money —> the people in it do to.
I said small business, so even though your post is irrelevant in regards to my statement, I will reply with this…
It depends on who you talk to. I have family in the manufacturing/machining business and they have more business than they know what to do with (last I checked), but overall, I believe that yes, the service sector is definately going to be where businesses thrive more going into the future.
If you’ve been reading… the general discussion of this thread was obviously aimed at the general Buffalo area.
Coors Light Tom is right, Buffalo is a dirty disgusting town in a lot of areas. Rochester is a much cleaner city for sure.
how off topic can we gooooooooooooooooooooooo?!
This has nothing to do with Buffalo or it’s perceived vitality. It has everything to do with rich people living in Buffalo, and driving fancy cars. Buffalo’s stability as a city has nothing to do with it. Those rich people are probably smart to live in Buffalo, as the real estate prices compared to the rest of the country are dirt cheap. If you have been paying attention, a lot of real estate around Buffalo is getting bought up in the last four years DESPITE business leaving. Wonder why that is? Buffalo doesn’t have to thrive for rich people to live here (on the cheap) and buy Bentleys.
how bout dem BILLs!!!
just my opinion but living here and buying a bentley is like having a wedding cake for a birthday party at chuckie cheese’s.
so i was crusing down kenmore to pick upa pizza tonight then all of a sudden i look to my right… and was like OH SHIT
and saw this
I saw one downtown before. I get more excited when I see a Phaeton. I saw a W12 once and I nearly shit myself.
phone rings
you…OMG. I just saw a Bentley GT
me…hah ok…
I have to agree, as poor as buffalo looks, it is really deceiving. There is alot of money here but it is hidden. Tucked away not soo out in the open. There is still a blue collar sensibility to MOST peoples spending. Some spend wildly. The one thing, and unfortunatly for me, the parents of wealthy families dont give alot of it to their kids to blow on car stuff, there are obviously exceptions to this rule. This is why you dont see more kids rolling around in EVOs, STi, corvettes, benz etc…i think the parents are a little smarter than that around here.
Or i could be wrong and just talking out my ass, but this is what i noticed.
Hell it would be nice to have a few more customers who dont care and just want everything done right no matter what the cost instead of having to bandaid shit because of lack of funds.
Hey now! as long as that band-aid is applied with love it will work great.
Bentleys are Ugly I think. And I dont know whats so Hip about them. Shit for the price of a Bentley I’d buy a Motor home and Bling it out. lol
I dried the blue one thas around here off at Delta Sonic on the Boulevard last year, he brought it thru the wash.