Best Blackberry Shortcuts

Alt S = displays SMS messages only
Alt O = displays outgoing message only
Alt I = displays incoming messages only
Alt U = displays unread messages only
T = Top
B = Bottom
Spacebar = Scroll by page

when viewing / listening to media
N = Next
P = Previous
S = Stop

That’s all I use pretty much, what else you got?

Alt f4 - opens solitaire


on the pearl

while in the mp3 player

6 = next
4 = previous

on the pearl you can switch through programs using the “shift” and back key at the same time

does blackberry OS do find as you type if you’re in your messages? i fucking love that feature

If you have a full keyboard, turn off ‘dial from home’ and the shortcuts are nuts. I used to miss the second convenience key my Pearl had but not anymore. I use the one on my 8800 for GPS.

a - address book
b - browser
c - compose email
d - notepad
f - profile(vibrate/silent/etc.)
i - instant messenger(AIM for me)
l - calender
m - messages
n - bb messenger
o - options
r - alarm
u - calculator
v - email

In the browser:

g - go(enter address)
h - home(google is my homepage, very convenient)
i - history
l - link address
n - forward one page
o - options
p - page address
r - refresh
u - header bar(dunno where they got u from)

There’s more but those are the ones I use on a daily basis.

:yawn: old news…

i got one of the handy dandy shortcut “brochures” from my AT&T guy when i bought my curve last year…