best car EVAR!

who else is as excited as me?

Don’t get me wrong, love the car and would cut off a nut to own one BUUUT the original F1 is still a better car IMO. Not just going off performance specs and stuff either.

Id rather not have a car that costs as much as an entire neighborhood


Mp4 was amazing, would love to drive one of these. The grail would be even just a ride in the F1, to drive one uuuuggggghhhhhh.

I got to sit in wyclefs F1 at a funk master flex car show. Wish i got a ride though. Also got to sit in his pagani zonda and mercedes g wagon that was customized by maybach.

Yeah got to sit in the FINA F1 GTR as well. I have to say that the P1 is a technological piece of art in the automotive world, but the F1 had just a level of design and hand craftsmanship that I think will never be touched again. Closest thing today I think is the Pagani Huayra. Call me nuts but I ordered one of the leather bound F1 books a year after the car debut. I paid stupid money for it and it’s worth even more stupid money now. On the flip side of it though, it does go into great detail from the cars initial design to the race history of all of he series(F1, GTR, GTRLT, and the LM) and I never get bored reading it cover to cover, again and again.

PJB you’d probably sell your parents if it meant you’d get a new F150 so you’re input doesn’t count here, lol :smiley:

Honestly I don’t like the new F150’s much.

Heard Lia preordered one

Def has recaros.

Might even have the logo on them.

i sat in the fina GTR as well! at the toga museum right?

ok so i loveeeeeee the F1. potentially my favorite car of all time but… technology has come this far that we now have the potential to drive Formula 1 like cars on the street. thats just silly. im so amped up to see the head to head of this and the La Ferrari.

Yessir it was at the museum. I only live a couple minutes from it. Was also there for the rollout of the Porsche 918 RSR

Is that F1 currently at the museum? I want to sit too lol

No it was there years ago during a supercar expo. Fina GTR, BMW LMP4, Carrera GT, Porsche 959, Jaguar xj220, etc, etc. I think five years ago.

no f40, no care.

U didn’t even know the f40 was a twin turbo v8 u turd

thats why you know so much. your secret is simply a leather bound book

Lol. That particular book is a small investment sir. Last i looked used copies in average condition were going for $1500-2000. But yeah, some of my nutty f1 knowledge comes from that book and i got no problem admitting that :slight_smile:

I have a few books like this that can fetch some good money if i wanted to sell them