Okay, I was going to recommend citi, because they’re doing the same 0% for a year gig.
was that ur first card though? what did it start at??
Credit cards can work to your advantage if you use them properly.
I’d rather use credit then my own money and pay the balance in full at the end of the month.Mainly just for lunches at work/gas.
I always end up taking money out of the ATM and blowing it on shit,not to mention getting hit with ATM fees.Using the credit card allows me to charge only what I need,no temptation of taking money out.(shitty willpower because im not greedy).I’d estimate im going to save 20-30% by doing this.Plus I build good credit.
I have that credit card and i love it. They keep sending me these balance transfer checks where i get 1.9% on the balance transfer until it is paid off. Which i personally think is better then 0% for 12months. Well if you plan on taking longer then 12months to pay it off.