Sorry BB users no place for you here.
If this has been posted before, sorry to waste your life away. I searched…
Sorry BB users no place for you here.
If this has been posted before, sorry to waste your life away. I searched…
Off to download I go.
i have been using dynolicious its alright cant find the bosch one on installous
I checked there first and didn’t see it. So I bought it, it was def the fastest purchase I have made from the app store.
FYI best place to do this is to get onto the highway and pull over onto the shoulder with your four ways on once you’re around the bend. Wait for a gap and GO. Obviously moving out of the shoulder into the acceleration lane first to get a proper launch.
its free on appstore dl it right now going to try it out
thats pretty cool…must…resist…converting to iphone!!!
dynolicious is much better but for free cant really compare
To unlock the full potential you gotta pay $5
yeah but how accurate is it?
Its accurate.
Dynolicious looks exactly the same, just downloaded it.
im guessing thats an sr?
Ya, stock turbo.